I think I better leave

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Caroline's POV
I was driving on my way to stop Stefan from sacrificing himself for Damon again. I was driving over wickery bridge and some idiot was in front of me I seriously don't have time for this. I unbuckled my seat belt and knocked on the car in fronts window. The driver politely unwound the window and I stared deep into his eyes.
"You will move your car so I can get through"
"I will move my car so you can get through".
Finally! I got back in my car and drove till I arrived at some bar were I saw jullian and Damon fighting but no stefan.
"Hey! Damon where is your brother"
"St stefan, well I sent him home no one can stop me".
He gave me his signature side smirk and I turned on my heels.
Suicidal idiot I muttered.
I got back in my car and drove to the Salvatore mansion. I knocked on the door and it was already open. To my amazement I saw...

Seriously Stefan!Where stories live. Discover now