Hiking trip

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Hello, this is my first attempt. Just saying it might be a little short. Xxx

Alex POV
I'm in the mountains with me friends, my brother and his friends. It is a snowy day which makes it all the better, but you know what makes it even better?... Michael Brown! He is the hottest boy in the school! But he is also my brothers best friend. :( Well I can look at the menu but I cant order or so my best fried holly says. She is really random and can come up with an idea in seconds... About nearly anything! Well anyway it's snowing and cold, everyone is wrapped up warm in layers and layers of wool clothes and scarfs.

Me and holly are very unfit so we are very behind. Michael has asthma and stops to take his inhaler. We arrive beside him and he says hi and puts his things away. He offers to carry my bag which is HUGE and helps me and holly get up saying he will stay begin with us.

After about 5 mins of silent walking holly shouts oh there's Ryan! And runs up to him. (Ryan is her boyfriend) but she did that for me. Michael stops and says he is glad she had gone and wanted to speak privately. I agreed.

He took me off to the side, off the track and away from view of the group. I was really confused of why he took me over here but I only managed to say "Yeah, what's up" and he replied with "I have been waiting to do this for ages" he closed in on me. Putting his hands on the rocks at either side of me and bringing his body forward until I was pinned against the rock!

What is he doing?
Is he just teasing?
What will he open?

Find out in the next chapter :-)

Hey I know this is a really short chapter but I want to add some suspense so u want to read more.
I will proberbly post another chapter tomorrow xxx

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