Hiking part 2

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Hey this chapter should be a little longer xx

He took me off to the side, off the track and away from view of the group. I was really confused of why he took me over here but I only managed to say "Yeah, what's up" and he replied with "I have been waiting to do this for ages" he closed in on me. Putting his hands on the rocks at either side of me and bringing his body forward until I was pinned against the rock!

He brought his face close to mine having to look down upon my face,he put his mouth a few cm from my neck . His breath was warm which made my neck tingle. His body being so close made my heart do flips! His body was almost against mine and his body heat seemed to block out the cold. I started to blush uncontrollably. He must have noticed because he let out a little laugh and brought his mouth away from my  neck and to my face.
"Do you want this?"he whispered  in my ear. I closed my eyes.
"Yes" I barley managed to get out of my throat which was very quickly drying up! "Good" he said in an amused voice and he brought his body against mine.
He stroked my cheek with his finger. He leaned in and touched his lips with mine. His lips were soft and plump. This kiss was soft at first but then he added more pressure and put his tounge against my bottom lip,asking permission. I opened my mouth allowing his tounge through! The kiss became more passionate and rough!
I had pulled people before but it didn't feel this good! He pulled away and looked into my eyes looking very impressed. "I'm thinking you have done this before?" He said in a suprised voice.
"Why you so supprised? Have you not?"I asked with a giggle on the end.
He blushed "BELIVE it or not I have not haha"he sounded embarresed
"Awk it ok you have now" I said mocking him. He put his fingers under my Chin to kiss me again...
"Michael?! Alex?!"
Michael pulled away and we turned to see my brother Dylan standing there with the others.
"Yo man, what the fuck were you doing with my sister?!" Dylan shouted angrily
"I was just getting the chocolate off her chin man, she is your sister what do you think I was doing?!"he said defensively.
"I have chocolate on my face?"I asked
"Yes" Michael replied calmly. He took his thumb and rubbed my chin and held it out to Dylan showing some chocolate. "See?"
"Sorry dude I just thought"Dylan said embarresed.
"Nah, she is your sister" he said as he walked over and walked away with Ryan. Everyone followed exept Holly.

"He wasn't just wiping it away was he?" She asked noticing how blushed I was.
"Maybe he was"I said just before bursting out laughing.
"Aye right Al" she said hooking our arms and dragging me away.

We caught up with the others and walked as if nothing had happend. I was so confused. I soon decided he didn't like me but before getting on the bus home he winked at me...what am i supposed to think now?!

What will happen between them?
Will he kiss her again?
Will Dylan do anything?

Find out in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading!xx

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