Chapter 1

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I waited patiently for my coworker, Liam, to arrive before I scheduled my first appointment.
As I was logging onto my computer, Liam rushed in and brushed the snow off his coat.

"Hey Liam," I said while I typed in my password.

"Hey Casey. How's it going?"

"Pretty well, getting ready for my first appointment for today," I explained.

"Oh fun, fun," sarcasm dripping from his British accent.

"Yes very. Still snowing out there?" I asked while pointing out my office window.

"Like crazy. I heard they might be closing the building because we're getting so much."

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yea." Liam had taken his coat and hat off and sat down on the couch in the corner. His brown hair was styled into a mini quiff and his brown eyes sparkled.

"Shouldn't you be getting to work?" I asked.

He sighed. "I guess. Hey, you got lunch plans?"

"Nope," I replied, popping the 'p.'

"Wanna get some Wendy's if we can drive?"

I chuckled. "Sure, why not."

Liam then got up and walked out of my office and into his which was right next to mine.

Right as I he left, my office phone rang.
"Hello. This is Casey Edwards. What can I help you with?"

"Hey Casey it's Eleanor. There's a new patient arriving. Wanna come help out?"

Eleanor was my best friend and another one of my coworkers. "Yea sure, I'm on my way down now."

"Be careful. This one's sort of....demonic the police say."

"Oh so?" I asked.

"He's attempted suicide three times and he has these red scratch marks all down his arms and scars on his stomach and back. He won't talk to us at all. We only know his name."

"What's his name?"

"Harry Styles."

HEY GUYSYYYYS! Yep I'm writing another one. LOLOL. This story idea came from Crazed and Psychotic, both AMAZING fanfics and you should TOTALLY check them out because I absolutely love them. Please comment and vote! ILY!!

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