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Linda's POV:

As soon as I get home, I pass out on the couch. The next thing I hear is my mom telling me to wake up. I get up and check the time, it's 6:25 am. I go charge my phone up for school and get ready. Once I walk out, my mom is ready and we set off. As usual, I'm almost late so I rush up the stairs as the tardy bell rings and walk into English where I find Cat sitting in her normal seat. I give her a smile as I sit next to her. The bell rings and I'm about to say something to Cat when the teacher interrupts.

''Okay class, today we are going to be finishing up our posters over the character you and your partner chose and we will present at the end of class, get to work!''

I groan and turn to Cat who gives me the same look. ''Hey, what's up.'' She responds, ''Really tired, but what else is new.'' I laugh and respond, ''This is why your my best friend.'' She laughs and says, ''Hey, I texted you this morning and you didn't answer, was it off?'' I then realize I never turned it off airplane mode from when I charged it in the morning. ''Oh shoot,'' I say grabbing it from my bag and turning it on. My notifications come in and I see 2 from Messages, as expected one is from Cat asking if i'm at school but the other one was an unknown number. Then, I saw the message.

random number: hey, I made it home, thanks, and have a good night :) 

then another one

oh this is Mario by the way lmao 

My heart skipped a beat reading that. I texted back 

me: I just saw this my bad, but I'm glad, and anytime :)

I change the contact name & turn my phone off and put it on the table. I go get some paper for our poster and I come back to see Cat on my snapchat, taking pictures, you gotta love your best friend lol. I sit down and start to draw our character on it. Meanwhile, Cat leaves my phone on her desk and starts to look for quotes in our play when my phone buzzes. Before I can get it, Cat sees it and says, ''HOLD THE PHONE!'' She sees the message and turns to me and says, ''WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN,'' showing me my phone.

mario: don't worry about it, it's cool, gm btw :)

I get red and say, ''Uh.'' She says, ''You have some explaining to do young lady.'' I laugh and respond, ''I understand mother.'' She starts laughing and I do too. I start to color my drawing while she writes down the quotes and I begin to tell her everything, from the moment we left to him making conversation, and finally to him texting me right then and there after falling asleep the night before and not seeing it. She takes in the information and gives me a small smile.

'Well, sounds to me like you guys are getting closer faster than I thought.'' I blush and look down and say, ''I'm not so sure about that but thanks.'' We finish up the touches on our poster and she goes, ''You never know, that seems like a good start for yall.'' I laugh and reply, ''Yall? Mhm okay whatever you say.'' She gives me a look and continues working. ''I know your his sister so it might be weird, just know I'm not trying anything, what happens happens.'' She says, ''I know, but if I have a say, he does seem like he wants to get to know you better.'' I smile and say, ''Well, I feel the same.'' She jumps a little and says, ''AWE.'' I can't help it, I laugh. ''Oh Cat, I hate you,'' I say while laughing. ''I hate you too.'' 

Just then the bell rings and we get our stuff and make our way to History. The rest of our day is a blur. As the day dreads on, we finally make it to last period when Cat says, ''Oh, are you coming over today?'' I think for a second and say, ''Do we have homework to do?'' She replies, ''No, I mean just for fun!'' I laugh and say, ''Sounds fun.'' ''YAY.'' I love Cat. ''Now shush and get to work on our script blocking,'' I say laughing. ''Oh shoot,'' she says. I laugh and she says, ''Well, we have something extra to do today?'' I groan but nod. ''Now, we just need to figure out how to spend the extra time.'' Cat says, ''Maybe we can make Mario do it for us?'' 

I say, ''As much as I would want to, I don't think that's how it works.'' She laughs and says, ''So are you coming or what?'' ''Sure, I'm bored anyways.'' She jumps and says, ''YAYY!'' I laugh and she joins. A few minutes after the bell rings and we rush out. We both get on Cat's bus and take a seat. ''Let me text my mom.'' 

me: mom! is it cool if i go to the Selmans' today?

mom: of course, do you need a ride?

me: i'm with cat on her bus

mom: does it drop you off at her house?

me: let me ask

''My mom asked if it drops you off at your house.'' Cat replies, ''Oh, it's on the street of my house.''

me: it's on the street of

mom: okay, have fun! 

me: thank you! i'll text you later :)

mom: sounds good

''WERE ALL SET!'' Cat says, ''YAYYYY.'' We start talking about whatever until she says, ''This is my stop.'' We both get off and walk to the house. We walk inside and Cat goes to greet her mom. ''Hey Cat, where's the restroom?'' She turns and says, ''Down the hall, first door on the right.'' I walk and find it easily. 

After I'm done using the restroom, I come out and make my way to the kitchen. Their mom sees me and says, ''Ah hola no sabia que estabas aqui.'' ( oh hello, I didn't see you were here) I smile and say, ''Aqui estoy, buenas tardes( here I am, good afternoon) .'' She replies, ''Buenas tardes, como estas mija (good afternoon to you too, how are you sweetie) .'' I reply, ''Bien, y usted?'' (good and yourself?) ''Bien, gracias.'' ( good, thank you) I smile and am interrupted by a voice saying ''How cute.'' 

I turn to see Mario standing in the doorway. I roll my eyes and reply, ''Very.'' He smiles and says, ''Nice spanish.'' I say, ''I'm alright but thanks.'' Mrs. Selman says, ''es muy educada, deberias ser mas como ella. ( she's very educated, you should be more like her) '' I burst out laughing and she laughs and says, ''I'm kidding.'' Mario laughs and says, ''Mhm I already know she's polite I heard your conversation.'' I say, ''stalker'' under my breath and he pushes me and says, ''Oh shut up.'' I smile and he returns it. 

She then leaves to her room and Mario says to me, ''So, what are you doing here?'' I say, ''Oh sorry I'll leave,'' I say sarcastically then take a few steps away. He reaches out to grab my arm and says, ''I'm kidding! Your welcome here anytime,'' then gives me a smile. I smile at him and I hear a cough behind me.

I turn to see Cat standing there with a smile. ''Hi Cat.'' She replies, ''Hey, ready to start homework?'' ''Nope.'' She gives me a look and I say, ''Okay fine!'' I turn to Mario and say, ''See ya Mario.'' He smiles and says, ''Of course.'' I follow Cat upstairs as I smile to myself thinking this is going to be a good afternoon.


I like writing and enjoy doing it whether or not I do publish or just to see if any of you guys would like it. Do me a favor and just comment if you like my story or not, I just want to know how you guys feel about it

thank you & ily 


lindy :)

i don't even know your name ; mario selmanWhere stories live. Discover now