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i'm updating this book every three days (I meant to publish this yesterday xD)
your Merome hearts are about to break

july 30th 1:02 pm
11h 58m til patient departure

" Where's Jerome?" Preston asked Mitch as they walked up to their courtyard table. Mitch wasn't at lunch, which happens a lot, and Jerome was no where to be seen. Mitch just shakes his head supporting it with his hand and not looking up.

"He wasn't Jerome today," Mitch stated. "His MPD... it went out of whack. Once second he was Jerome, then he was fluffy, then hack all in one minute. When he was Jerome, he acted as if he were in pain. Fluffy was sad and Hack was quiet."

"It like Rob is happening all over again," Preston commented trying not to burst out crying. At least then, someone else knew what he was going trough. Then, the courtyard doors opened. Jerome walked out sauntering over to the table.

"What's up guys?" he greeted presumably in his Jerome aka "normal" state.
"Are you okay, Jerome? I've been worried sick ever since I saw you this morning," Mitch wondered making Jerome arch his eyebrow.

"Um, I've been fine all along. What are you talking about?" Jerome responded making Mitch's mouth hang open.
"This morning? You were screaming in pain. Fluffy and Hack. Do you not remember this morning where I came in and comforted you? You have to remember this morning. You have to remember this morning!" he screamed loudly causing everyone in the courtyard to look at them.

"I- I don't. Sorry to disappoint," Jerome said even though he wasn't. He just wanted everyone to stop looking at him like he was... crazy.

"You have to! Everything we've been through! Please! You can't forget about us! Forget about me!" Mitch yelled, eyes full of tears and veins in his arm popping with anger. Not of anger towards Jerome or himself, but anger towards the world. Then, Preston stood up.

"Mitch, he's gone. There's- there's no coming back from it," Preston said trying to say it as calmly was possible. Really, Preston wanted to cry along with Mitch. Preston grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the building, probably to his room.

"Well, he was weird..." Jerome laughed not getting a response from the other two boys at the table.

july 30th 8:34 pm
3h 26m til patient departure

Lay laid on his bed not wanting to go see Jerome. Sure, he had only known Jerome for a few days, but he didn't want to face him in his current state. He knew just as well as anyone else that something was severely wrong and that the warden has already probably come to collect him. He couldn't help but wonder if they were actually being released, or not.

The silence felt like it the loudest it's ever been. Lachlan felt like he could hear foreign voices telling him to run, but he just couldn't. Then, his cell door opened. He looked over to see Vik walking over to his bunk. "Hi," he greeted softly looking up at Lachlan. The top of Vik's was barely visible as Lachlan was laying down.

"Is he gone?"



"I want to show you something," Vik stated.
"What?" Lachlan asked not hearing what he said.
"I want to show you something. I found it in my first week here. I don't think the workers even know it's there," Vik explained again as Lachlan sat up.

"Don't the guards know about it now?" Lachlan questioned subtly motioning towards the camera in corner.
"No. They can't hear audio. They only see to make no one tries to commit suicide."


july 30th 9:02
2h 58m til patient departure

"Where are we going?" Lachlan complained as they kept winding through the long hallways making sure not to get caught by the guards.
"We're almost there, stop nagging," Vik giggled before stopping Lachlan and hiding them as a guard passed by.

After a few minutes of running, Vik approached a large poster about something involving keeping good hygiene, and pulled it back revealing a large hole in the wall. Vik motioned Lachlan to crawl in, and Lachlan cautiously did not really wanting to, but Vik seem excited to show him whatever was here, so he just followed. After Lachlan got quite a ways in, Vik covered the hole back up and motioned Lachlan forward.

They crawled through slowly since Lachlan was nervous about what was at the end of the tunnel. As Lachlan got closer to the end, all he think was, "what the hell."

Then, he could see the blue light at the end of the tunnel, but it soft and natural looking. That made him even more confused. He was so focused on the blue light, he didn't notice the green grass he was about to touch, or the shining crescent moon he had almost forgotten about, or the glowing stars he was about to walk under. So when the blades of grass grazed over his fingertips, and the moon shined on his face, and the stars lit the sky, he was awestruck.

He reached the end and stood up just looking at the full night sky that felt like he hadn't seen in forever even though it had only be a few days.

"Hey um, can you move a bit?" a stuck Vik asked under him still in the tunnel. Lachlan blushed realizing that he was blocking the other's way so he moved forward. Vik stood up next to him and sighed. "I found this place a week after I got here, and I come here every day whenever I need to calm down," he explained, his mind not completely where his body was. Lachlan could practically see the memories flashing through his eyes like a slideshow.

They ended up on their backs on the ground looking up at the stars. "Is there where you went after Rob?" Lachlan suddenly spoke remembering the long time Vik was away.

"Yeah," Vik responded not sounding believable, but Lachlan didn't bother to ask him about it. "Rob was a friend to me. We never talked before, but we've been here the longest so him being gone... it's like there's a piece missing," he sighed. "If this is what I'm feeling, I can't even begin to wonder how Preston's taking it. Or Mitch."

"Is Jerome gone?" Lachlan asked already knowing the answer. Vik nodded confirming his thought. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough."

Lachlan didn't say anything, but instead took Vik's hand, and held it in his own.


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