choc chunk cook

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Zuhoe: you guys want anything I'm at the store

Tallguy: bleach

Smolni: myork

Guitarman: freesh a va ca do

Appreciateme: choc chunk cook

Smolni: hey isn't that the guy from bts

Hwiold: you mean that coconut head ass-

GoldenMaknae has entered the chat

GoldenMaknae: who wonhae manhi manhi wanna get up in dis golden maknae's hair

Daoneandonly: how tf did you get in here

GoldenMaknae: I have iron man powers

GoldenMaknae has left the chat

Zuhoe: so you guys want anything else?

Trashbin: condom

Outseong: EXCUSE ME?!


Outseong: better mean it.

Smolni: what's a condom

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