what the fric frac

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Zuhoe: once upon a time I was a hoe, and I'm admitting it now I'm still a hoe

Tallguy: do you ever shut up

Zuhoe: holy shit wrong group chat

Smolni: guys I dropped inseong hyung's vase

Daoneandonly: run bitch run

Smolni: I'm fucked

Outseong: what the fric frac tic tac patty wack snickity snack big mac quaterback heart attack race track gay guy named jack did you just say?

Smolni: I'm ducked

Hwiold: someone kill me now

Trashbin: I'll gladly do it

Hwiold: stfu you ballerina toed pink tutu son of a no good slut

Tallguy: watch your fucking profanity

Hwiold: how about you watch your mouth you no good pregnant seahorse in stoplight heads asshole

Tallguy: that'll be an easy job to do when I'm looking down at your short ass

Hwiold: at least I have one

Tallguy: that's not what inseong said

Outseong: wHAt

Guitarman: can you guys pls like take a chill pill or something

Hwiold: how about you go take drugs or something bc this isn't your motherfucking business

Guitarman: that's a good idea brb

Outseong: OH I THINK THE fUck NOT YOU tRIcK aSs bItcH

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