5. A Cliché Lunch .....Perhaps.

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She was there.

At the entrance of the cafeteria.

Two weeks of this torture. Why me?

Tiffany stood at the double glass doors with April and May.

April scoffed, and said in her posh accent, "Why are we here again? Why can't we wait for her inside?"

"Yeah," May muttered as she ran her fingers over her nose piercing. "Why do we need to wait here? Won't she see us?"

Tiffany flipped her hair and glared at her minions. "Look, we're here because I said so. She'll be here, trust me," she rolled her eyes and folded her arms before leaning against the wall.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

I held my lunch box close to my chest and reversed back down the hallway. I was NOT scared, okay? I just didn't want another episode with the Barbie Queen. No matter how much I wanted to stab her, I really didn't want that to get on my record. And I don't think killing someone will get me in a good college.

I scurried though the corridors and tried to find the library I saw yesterday. Obviously, we weren't allowed to eat there, but it was so huge, I bet I could find a small nook to eat at where nobody could find me.

I finally found the library's huge doors and hid my "Tom and Jerry" lunch box behind my back. I hurried over to a corner and sat down on a small sofa. I took a sniff of the library smell and calmed down. I opened my lunch box and found two slices of yesterday's leftover pizza.


As soon as I took the first bite, I heard whispering.

"Do you think she's the one?"

I almost choked on my pizza crust. I recognised that voice. What was Autumn doing in the library? Oh right, she liked to read.

"I'm not sure. I mean, look at her. Red hair, no glasses, her bold personality. I don't think so. She's not even clumsy."

My eyes widened. That voice... why were Autumn and Nathan talking about me?

"Well, she might be. The Tiffany fight happened, didn't it?" Autumn's high-pitched voice mumbled.

I placed down the pizza and box on the arm rest of the sofa and walked behind a bookshelf. Their voices came from there. I removed a book from the shelf and took a peek. I couldn't see much, except the blue slacks of a skinny figure. Nathan?

"I don't know," the confused tone of Nathan rang out. "I just feel tired acting. I can't wait to graduate and move out of this hell hole."

I removed two more books and gasped. Autumn and Nathan were sitting on a sofa, yeah, but that wasn't the surprising part. What was strange was that Autumn was wearing Nathan's glasses while reading and Nathan had an earbud in one ear and was rocking his head back and forth to some loud music.

Since when had their personalities switched? Did I hit my head or something? What? What? What the actual fuck?!

"Tori's personality hasn't been planned though," Autumn said.

"Yeah, that's true, I guess.... but why did you blurt out the stuff about the main character?" Nathan grumbled, looking irritated as he cracked his knuckles. "Vicky's curious now. Great."

I gulped as I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. What was going on? And why the hell was Nathan calling me Vicky? I had half a mind to abandon my post and run up to him screaming, "MY NAME'S TORI!!!"

Autumn looked sad for a moment as she muttered, "I told her never to speak about that again."

"What?" His voice raised for a moment. "Oh, terrific. Now she's more confused than ever and she'll probably die!"

My legs started shaking. It was like listening to a horror story. The actual fuck did he mean I'll die? I needed more context. I leaned closer against the shelf to hear better.

Autumn sighed and glared at the roof. "Well, I've ignoring her for two damn weeks! If she really was confused, she would've cornered me by now. I don't know what to do. Nobody does," she made exaggerated motions with her hands.

Nathan groaned. "What to you think we should tell her?"

"Nothing, duh," Autumn said.

"But what if she'll ask?" Nathan shot back, rubbing his temples. "God, what the actual fuck are we supposed to do?"

They didn't say anything else as they just sat there. I really needed more information so I did something very bold. And foolish.... But mostly bold.

I hopped out from behind the bookshelf and said, "Tell me the truth, guys. I heard everything."

Autumn's eyes widened and she gulped while Nathan fell back into the sofa and sighed in frustration.

"Fuck me."

"No thank you," I said and folded my arms, giving both of them a look. "Now shoot."

"I don't have a gun," he muttered, giving me a not-Nathan-like glare.

"You know what I mean. Tell me what's going on," I insisted.

"Nothing," Autumn said, pretending that she didn't see me as she looked down at the book.

"You didn't hear anything. It was just a figment of your imagination," Nathan said harshly, as he grabbed his glasses off of Autumn's face and put them on his. He stuffed his headphones in his pocket and glared at me.

What did I do?

Autumn gave Nathan the thick book she was reading and got up to leave. I grabbed her hand and said, "Tell me now!"

"No!" She glared and yanked her hand away. "There's nothing to tell!"

Autumn had never yelled at me before.

Nathan sighed as he got up and on cue the bell rang. "Oops," he said a bit too happily. "Look at the time, it's time for classes. We should really get going."

They took this opportunity to leave. Before they could slip out into the hallway, I said, "Hey, Autumn."

She jumped and turned towards me with a bit of a shocked look on her face. Nathan just sighed.

"Didn't you say that if I mentioned any of that conversation two weeks ago, I'll go insane or die or something?"

She nodded slowly.

"I wonder what will happen if I mention this little conversation of the two of you to a teacher, ooh, or better yet, the principal?"

Both of their eyes widened. "No!" Autumn gasped. "You should never trust the principal. She's the main villain behind this! Believe me!"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't have any reason to. You two have obviously been lying to me about something. I guess I have no one else to consult in other than the principal."

"Listen, you idiot," Nathan growled. "If you go to that bitch, you're as good as dead, so don't you fucking dare."

I smirked and folded my arms, "Then I believe I deserve some explanations."

Autumn and Nathan shared a look. Autumn turned towards me and nodded. Nathan just said, "Sadist."

Autumn looked around for a moment before whispering, "Meet me at home today. We'll tell you everything."

Nathan muttered some curse words under his breath.

"Fuck me."

I sighed. "Didn't we just talk about this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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