Part 5

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After a few minutes I walked onto the beach and towards the shack. I saw Brooke standing there leaning against it on her phone.

"What's up?" I asked. She looked up from her phone.

"Oh you actually came! And without Nate" Brooke said "I'm impressed" I rolled my eyes. "What I'm being honest you two are like always together" she said. I looked down at the ground it was true I was sort of lost without Nate. "I didn't mean to upset you" she said lifting my chin to look at her. I half smiled.

"Anyway we have a busy night" she said and let go.

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked.

"You'll find out" she said and walked behind the shack then came back with two horses from earlier. Neither had reigns or a saddle.

"you don't plan on riding them like that do you?" I asked.

"Why what's wrong with bare back?"

"Saddles and reigns are there for a reason" I said.

"Come on we used to do it all the time" Brooke said.


"Remember on the surfboard this morning, remember how when you stood on the board you knew what you were doing?"

"Um yeah"

"It's muscle memory it'll come to you trust me"

"Fine" I chuckled.

"I'll help you up" she said and cupped her hands together. I put one foot in her hands and swung my leg over. "Great" she smiled. I got comfy.

"So where am I holding again?" I asked.

"It's mane" Brooke said as she jumped onto the horse. "Just like this" she took two hand fulls of the horses mane. I copied her. "That's only to keep you on so don't pull too hard on it" I nodded. Brooke made a noise and her horse moved forward. I made the same noise and so did mine. It was very different without the gear. "Relax" Brooke laughed. I took a breath. "Move with the horse"

"What does that even mean?" I laughed.

"Just relax it'll come to you" we made it part way down the beach when I got the hang of it. It all felt familiar like I had do- well I have done it before I just don't remember.

"Come on a little faster now" Brooke said speeding up. My horse just kept up with hers I nudged the horse with my foot and it broke into a run. I laughed as it ran through the tide. It's mane flying through the wind along with my hair. "There you go" Brooke laughed catching up. She started to turn and I followed her up a path. We soon reached a cliff and Brooke jumped down she grabbed some rope that was attached to a tree and clipped it to the horses bridle. She helped me get down and did the same to my horse.

"So what are we doing?" I asked.

"You sound like your in a rush" she laughed walking to the top of the cliff. I followed and saw a blanket set out with a small bag.

"Is this where you ran off to earlier?" I asked.

"Yup" she replied and sat down. I sat with her. "Oh yeah I snuck these out" she pulled a container out.

"What's inside?" I asked. Brooke smiled and opened it, inside were two slices of mud cake.

"Yummy" Brooke handed me one with a smile. I bit into it. "Mmmmmmmm"

"It is your favourite after all" she said.

"Thank you" I said.

Please Remember (A Natewantstobattle fanfic sequel)Where stories live. Discover now