Chapter 28: Ultrasound Discovery

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One Month Later...

Emily's point of view...

Germany was the most exciting time of my life, and now it was all over. I had some of the best times there with Finn, Christopher, Gerik and Elliot. Eli even had a good time, save the spats he would have with Finn. They had both stopped being civil with each other and eventually weren't allowed to be in the same room with each other. Which is why Eli stayed at the hotel some nights while I went out and celebrated with the group.

"I hope to be seeing you again soon. Hey, I'll be in L.A in April, maybe we could meet up?" Finn offered as he and all the others saw me and Eli off at the airport. They were all staying an extra five days for another lecture I didn't specialize in.

"That would be fantastic! Here's my number so you can give me a call whenever you feel the need to. I'll see you later." I said to him and we hugged in a friendly matter.

"Goodbye, Emily. It was a pleasure meeting you and I'm glad we became friends." Finn said to me. I nodded and smiled at him.

"Likewise. Alright, I should be going now. I'll see you all in the future!" I said to all three of them. They said goodbye as well and I went with Eli onto the plane.

"You sure you'll be okay with the flight? Because we don't have to go if you aren't feeling well." Eli said, but I shook my head. I had been feeling sick today, and the kicking from the baby was more common then ever. We went to a doctor before we left and he said everything was fine, the baby was just moving around.

"I'll be fine. I just need lots of food." I replied. Eli chuckled and as soon as we were in the air he had the stewardess get a bunch of snacks for me.

(Fantastic Flight Skip...)

We were greeted by Abby and my dad at the doors of LAX. I tried to run but it turned into a bit of a waddle. I hugged my dad tightly, even though there was an obvious distance between us because of my six-month baby bump.

"I'm so happy to see you again. Wow! You've gotten bigger since I last saw you, how many babies do you got in there?" He asked and I playfully slapped him on the arm and we both laughed. I hugged Abby as Eli and my dad shook hands like the business-like men they were.

"How have you been with the baby, Abby?" I asked. She wasn't showing quite yet, but I could tell she was getting there. She was only six or seven weeks along now, so she had a while before she would start to show her pregnancy.

"It's been okay, morning sickness is hard to adjust to, but I'll get there. Are you excited to find out the gender?" She asked excitedly. I had remembered my appointment tomorrow when Eli and I would find out the sex of our baby. I really was ecstatic to be able to find out what I was having.

"You have no idea. Eli here thinks it's a girl, but I'm positive we have a boy on our hands." I replied. Abby and my dad chuckled.

"I have to side with Eli on this one, Em. Pretty sure you have a girl in there." My dad replied and Eli and him high-fived. I rolled my eyes and Abby laughed.

"Don't worry, honey. I'm with you on this one." Abby replied and hugged me gently. I smiled and hugged back.

"Glad to know there's someone out there who agrees with me. Maybe I should marry Abby, we seem to get along more than you and I, Eli." I joked.

"That's alright, Quentin and I are perfect for each other, aren't we?" Eli replied as he roughly put his arm around my dad's neck. He laughed.

"That's right. Turns out Eli is the fucking love of my life!" He replied. I knew there was something going on between them! I laughed at my silent joke to myself.

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