Round 6: Waiting on a Minecraft Update

75 3 11

Would you rather...

●Be stuck in the Minecraft universe with your favorite hetalia character, or be in the Fallout universe with your favorite hetalia character?

●Be in Assassins's Creed 2 with the Italy brothers (as assassins), or Assassins's Creed Syndicate with England (and probably the other Kirkland brothers)?

●Play Civilization with the actual nations, or Battlefield with the nations? (note: When someone dies they respawn)

●Play Pokemon in the Pokemon universe with Japan, or be in an otome game with the nations?

●Be in Animal Crossing with the nations as your neighbors, or be in Nintendogs but with the nekotalia cats?

●Be in Hetaoni, or be in Telltale's The Walking Dead with the nations?

●Drive in racing games with America, or play Tetris with Russia?

(My answers: tbh Fallout even tho there are mutants and shit I just don't want to see pixel art all the time, Syndicate with the brit!, OMG civ with the nations yes, hehe otome game hehe, nekotalia since I don't have to deal with weeds, I can't see Hetaoni happen again I WILL PROTECT THE BABES FROM ZAMBIES WITH WHATEVER IT TAKES, I'm not that great at racing games or driving at fast speeds so Tetris it is)

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