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Grand. This was definitely the grand hall. Decorated in a regency style of gold and green. Chandeliers hung from every corner but the central chandelier eclipsed them all. Small jewels of pale quartz hung together in a cascade of glinting light. They cast a warm glow.  The hall was most definitely grand, almost as much as the guests who graced it.

Emerald greens, ruby reds and blues to make sapphires weep with jealousy, all colours of the guest's suits and dresses. Dresses and suits that were tailor made and worn with pride and confidence. Precious watches and priceless jewels, bow ties and clutches that cost more than the average person gets paid in a month. Beautiful but cold.

They stood in small groups debating and storytelling. I liked to talk with some of them even though others looked at me with disgust or pity. My dress wasn't unreasonably expensive, perhaps they were snobs. Here we, the social elite, wore masks to cover our eyes, to make us ambiguous and pretend to be someone else. Or perhaps it was for entertainment, to lure others in with the promise of secrets and answers to questions they hadn't even thought of only to then leave after the clock strikes twelve. Either way, the atmosphere was one of a mysterious merriment and the air was filled with the smell of heady wines.

There were little round tables at one end of the hall. All covered in embroidered gold tablecloths, napkins to match, they had neatly placed and polished silverware and a pink rose standing by its lonesome in a vase. Champagne flutes were filled halfway by unseen waiters and plates of little ostentatious bites to eat were laid delicately in front of the guests, though I could not for they were too pretty. I placed my self at one of these tables and sipped on my champagne. After earning a few strange looks, the conversation picked up nicely. This one fellow, large of belly and moustache, was particularly interested in my backstory though he was harmless enough.

Everywhere there was something to be in awe of whether it be the hall itself, the guests or the orchestra. Full of violins, flutes, bow ties and evening gowns. A sight to behold. They took their seats and the music began to swell. A slow piece of falling leaves and golden colours. I was at the front of the small crowd that had gathered before them.  By the end everyone was smiling in their own small way, even some dabbled their eyes with napkins as the song came to a close.

The next song was a waltz and I moved back to a table. I had a little difficulty moving a heavy chair but a kind woman with auburn hair helped me. After taking a few sips of red wine, I glanced around at some of the guests. One caught my eye. A man in a navy blue suit sat at the bar drinking a whiskey on the rocks. His hair was neatly groomed back but he was frowning. Why someone should come to masquerade ball to frown and drink whiskey was beyond my understanding. His mask was lined with silver, a cold colour to match the man underneath and the ice in his drink.  I sat and watched as a tall woman in a red dress with long shapely legs sat next to him. She smiled. He didn't. Eventually they got up and went to the dance floor.

They took their places and began to dance. At first the lady was nervous and stumbled from time to time but she learnt quickly. Twirling and chasing each other although they were less than an arms length away. Their legs and feet perfectly in sync as they moved as one. Her hair bounced to the rhythm and I smiled. She was like a candle flame and he wasn't resisting her.

I turned my interest elsewhere and found the woman with the auburn hair. She had her fingers intertwined with a brunette with hazel eyes. They laughed, like wind chimes and leaned against each other smiling. I was about to cast my interest In another direction when the brunette got down on one knee. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it had the auburn dame in tears. As she slipped the diamond ring on her finger she jumped into her fiance's embrace, her legs kicking the air with joy.

The night went on like this. Young couples with too much heart getting each each other drinks. Everyone seemed to be in one place and in the next moment the other side of the room. They walked and talked with their drinks. I noted two men leaving with blushing faces who whispered things to each other resulting in gasps and laughter as they swiftly left. I smiled as the night wore on with people dancing, in and out of love. After all with a mask why not? The time was nearing twelve and I headed out after a night of socialising - and a little too much to drink. I called a taxi and waited, I wanted to get home soon though.

My arms hurt from having to push my wheelchair around all night.

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