§ Chapter 1 || Jack Frost §

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I finished building my castle and I could say, it's very beautiful. I finally have a place where I don't always have to be constricted, or have to watch every single move I make.

I could finally let it go.

I roamed around, just to make sure everything was in place and the way I wanted it to be. I worked my way up until I reached the top where the balcony overlooked the mountains.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. It was a shadow although I couldn't make out what it was.

"Who's there?" I cautiously asked.

No answer.

"Answer me!" My voice echoed through the castle walls.

No answer again.

I stood in a defensive stand, ready to make a barrier to surround whoever it was I saw. But there was nothing but silence.

Thinking it was really nothing, I shrugged it off and entered the castle again. That was when I heard a loud thud.

"Ow." A male voice said.

I turned to see a white haired boy with a long wooden staff. He was rubbing his head while flying.

"Jack Frost?" I said staring at him.

That got his attention.

"You could see me?" He asked, flying on top of my head, eyeing me carefully.

I chuckled, for the first time in a while, "Of course! I believe in you, Jack Frost."

Yes, I always did believe in the winter guardian. Whenever it would snow early in Arendelle, I would panic because I thought that it was because of me. My parents would always tell me that it's not me, but Jack. I believed them.

He was like me.

"What ya thinking about, snowflake?" He asked, smirking.

I focused my attention to him, "It's-ah, nothing."

"You sure?" He said, lowering himself onto the frozen floor.

"Yes. I'm sure." I stood upright and roamed around the bare room, "It's just. . Why are you here?" I asked the question that had been bugging me for awhile.

"Oh, yeah." He chuckled and leaned on his staff. 

I raised my eyebrow, waiting for his answer.

"I have been sent by the man in the moon!" He told me, grinning.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"Well, he told me that I have to help you." 

I began going down the stairs, "Help me? Oh-uh, I don't need help, I'm alright alone." I forced a smile.

"Yeah, you do. The man in the moon said so!" He followed me through the steps.

"I'm okay, Jack. Just, stay away." I kept my forced smile. "Please?"

He flew infront of me, in the middle of the long series of stairs, "No."

"No? But ah-" I started.

"No buts!" He interrupted and turned to go down.

"Just leave me alone, can you? Anything or anyone who gets to close to me ends up getting hurt." I said, whispering the last part.

He grinned slightly, "I can't leave you alone. And it doesn't matter anyways because you can't hurt me." He went down the stairs then he looked back at me, pausing with his hand in his chin and an eyebrow up.

". . Okay, fine. I'll leave you alone, happy?" He grinned.

A sudden change of heart? Weird.

I lifted my shoulders to a shrug, "Okay? I- ah, I thought that-"

"Yeah, yeah. You want to be alone so I'm giving you want you want, okay? No more explanations." He waved and flew off to the balcony.

That boy. . I feel like something's up and this is only the beginning. 


A/N: Short chapter! I know. :) Sorry if you didn't like it. :( This will only be a short story too so keep reading! <3 

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