I made a thing

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She is one of my CreepyPasta OCs, Kaytlin.Pastel Gore is her mother which was a Hell creature,she looks like a peeled human with all the guts and organs hanging from her limping body,but in her human form is a normal woman.However,everything about it is Pastel

This is how it gained it's name.Pastel Gore.The creature fell in love with a simple man,and they had a kid together.Their kid turned out a pastel pink knee level haired girl, with forest green eyes.Kaytlin cannot turn into a creature like her mother did, but she got 'killing desires.'

At the age of 17 her mother and father got slaughtered my Zalgo and she ran away into the forest where she was found by Slenderman.

She attacks at night hiding in the shadowy alleys.She doesn't have a phrase like 'go to sleep' or crap like that.She just kills.That is her original story,but in my 'The Gore Family' book she is took away by Ane (another OC) that decides she could be a great killer..

After that her parents get slaughtered while she is at the mansion.Thats a lot of spoilers tho XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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