Hōmon-hen 2: Memory

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Sakutaro sat curled up in a ball. The rain beating against the window, as if to haunt him for not saving his best friend. Sakutaro and Yuki had been living together since the time both boys' parents had passed away. And for Yuki to just die like that was too much for him to take.

Kaede stood out in the rain, waiting. Waiting for Hiyoko. Her suspect.

Sumire stayed home, looking out the window.

Yuta didn't even leave bed.

"Sorry I took so long," Hiyoko said as she arrived.

"You're the one who killed him, right, Sonozaki?"

Hiyoko stepped back in surprise, but that surprise soon became anger, as she was outraged by such a claim. Without thinking, she picked up a large stone, and then preceded to kick Kaede, who was shocked Hiyoko would try to commit murder a second time. Hiyoko held the defenseless Kaede down, while she beat the stone into Kaede's brown hair, and hurled her into Onigafuchi swamp, letting her drown. 

Sakutaro still cried. And Yuki, whom he was crying over, wasn't alive to tell him it's okay. He remembered every time they laughed and cried together, and every time they would comfort each other on sleepless nights. Why did Oyashiro-sama take him away?

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