Madara POV

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Disclaimer: Hello I'm back and I  want to thank darkblackgalaxy   for editing and correcting the story  to make it better. I don't own Naruto and hope you guys enjoy the new version :)


Madara's Pov:

"You know it's hard for me to say this and I know it sounds selfish but....I have to marry Mito to ensure the safety of our village. It would be a solely political marriage, of course my heart will always belong to you...however it would be bad if the Uzumaki clan found out about me having an affair with the Uchiha leader. That's why I need to break up with you. Please forgive me"

It wasn't a surprised when he announced that unpleasant new to me. When I became his lover, I was aware there's a possibility one day we would have to give up on each other because of our duty.  However, I was hoping to be wrong, a little part of me was wishing to be able to live the rest of my life beside him... as his husband. Despite that, I wasn't sure why I feel disappointed, was it because he just surrender easily our love and submit to that worthless clan like a coward he was? Or in me for holding faith in our future, our love and in him. Nonetheless, I was frustrated by Hashirama's words. I could persuade him or threaten him yet I did not voice my word. Simply because I knew I won't be able to change his mind about it. After all he was stuborn, convincing to Hashirama was like trying to communicate with a mud wall. There was so much to say yet my pride won't let what I want to say out. It's like the word are stuck in my throat and suffocating me. Therefore, I mask my emotion and try being impassive as possible because I didn't want to feel vulnerable in front of him.

After all, I have no importance to him anymore since he had the village. That man has everything  in his supervision.I was just a pawn to him, I knew that if it had ever come to him having to chose between saving me or his little brother Tobirama, that he would've chosen Tobirama for he is the only family Hashirama has left and yet I might've been hoping to be wrong. Maybe I was hoping that he would choose me over his brother, hoping that our love would be strong but now I realized that I had been wrong all along. He would always choose Tobirama -or in this case the village- over me. I was no longer important for him now that he had what he wanted. In fact it had already been obvious that he would always choose ou- no....his village over me. I had known but still felt betrayed by him. Felt betrayed by my childhood friend and the man I had once loved. 

We stood there for a moment but it felt like an eternity for me. I took my time to memorize his warm brown eyes, his long brown straight hair and his manly body- all the features I once fell in love with.

I couldn't help but to feel bitter, all the feelings for him turning into disgust and hatred but mostly dissapointment.
Now I can only laugh at my own foolishness. How could I have believed in him? Because of him I lost everything: my pride, my position, my clan and Izuna,my beloved little brother. Perhaps I could just blame him for being heartless throwing everything we once had away for that bitch. I couldn't stand his face nor his existance any longer so I left his office without turning back going straight back to the Uchiha compound.

I did no longer have a reason to stay in Konoha given that my clan had abandoned me, the villagers didn't trust me and now Hashirama,my once so bright light in the darkness that is my life, betrayed me. There is no reason for me to stay. In fact everyone would be glad if I were to leave but I wouldn't grant them the satisfaction. Izuna had been right when he had said that the Senju were all scum. I should've listened to him all along. Now I lost everything.

If I would have to suffer then so would they. They had no right to be happy. I, Madara Uchiha, will take all of you bastards to hell with me. From this day on, Konoha is my enemy, an existance I need to destroy. One day I will return here to have revenge for Izuna, who was killed by the Senju scum. I will make them pay for the humiliation and powerlessness they made me feel. Its a promise- no... a vow that I made. I won't stop before the abomination I helped create has completly dissapeared from the world.

My Mangekyou Sharingan shone in the darkness as I passed through the gate. Nothing can stop me anymore. Not my clan nor the village nor damned bastard. I will show them the consequences of messing with me. I will achieve my dream. I am going to become the most powerfull shinobi and they will regret everything they did. After all revenge is a dish best served cold. Anger, rage and loneliness became my only companions on the road to revenge.

*Time skip*

I saw him, that damned bastard. Time has touched him a bit, though he is still like he was back then. I fought him for 3 days and 3 nights with the help of Kyuubi but I still lost. Despite having the strongest tailed beast fighting alongside me, I still lost to him. The first Hokage of Konoha, my ex-friend, my ex-lover, a bastard, a traitor, scum. The person I once trusted the most, stabbed me in the back with a broken katana. Soon after I fell to the ground, resembling a useless puppet which had its strings cut.
How ironic. The person that once loved me more than anyone time has changed us...his gaze was cold and emotionless until the very end while mine was filled with hatred and rage.  My time had come. I closed my eyes not wanting to see it. He didn't let me do so. He took me into his arms and kissed my dry lips making me open my eyes again. I was disgusted and felt awful. I learned my lesson. I would never trust him ever again. Even before I died, my gaze was full of loath, disgust, rage and hatred. The traitor seemed to be hurt by my gaze but I didn't care anymore. I was only filled by regret. If I were able to go back in time I would never meet him near the river that day. Even though he showed love, the hope for a new day I a world filled with war, he was also the one who showed me how betray, hate, sadness, bitterness and despair felt like. If only I could go back in time, then I will never meet him and will never feel this pain. Apparently Izuna had been right about Hashirama being a backstabber. Maybe it would have been better if I had died in battle. At least I would have died a warrior then. I felt tired. I hated him for making me suffer. As my vision faded I could see Hashirama crying or maybe it was just the rain.

The end.



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