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I was sitting on the couch with Ashley, my arm slung lazily around her, but my mind wandered elsewhere, and my eyes were on Venus.

I couldn't help it! She'd made an impression. First, she undresses in front of me right before she tells me that she's only 17, then, she makes up all this stuff about fucking older guys right before telling me that she's literally a compulsive liar. She's crazy, she's actually crazy. So why am I still thinking about her? Because she's crazy, that's why.

Besides, we have a thing or two in common. She's an undiagnosed compulsive liar, and I'm undiagnosed with depression, great conversation starter.

Ashley is boring. All she can talk about is this band she likes, she even played one of their songs for me off of her phone, it was bad, I told her it was good. She also bites her nails and smells like oranges, which is just me being picky but I don't really like oranges. Venus smells like vanilla and she has really nice skin. It's just what I noticed.

While Ashley talked loudly in my ear, trying to get me to listen to more of her music, Caspar sat down on the other side of me, I kept staring at Venus across the room.

"So? What happened with her?" He asked. I blinked and looked at him.

"She's 17. She's also crazy." I told him, Ashley had begun talking to someone else.

"Oh...crazy how?" Caspar questioned.

"Like, lying for no reason crazy."

"That's not that bad." He replied, I widened my eyes, gaining more inflection in my voice.

"Are you kidding? Even if that isn't bad, she's still 17." I argued.

"17 is not that bad, it's only two years. She's probably very mature for her age." He said, winking.

"Okay well, now you're crazy." I told him. Caspar rolled his eyes and stretched his arms out on the couch.

"Listen, you're the crazy one for not wanting in on any of," he gestured to Venus, "that, because, seriously, she's worth the crazy." For a moment, she glanced over at us, and I could swear that she smirked.

"Okay, give it to me straight, Caspar." I said, taking a deep breath. "If I go over there, just to talk to her, I'm not committing a crime, right? Nothing bad can happen, right?" Caspar hesitated.

"I can guarantee that if you go over there to talk to her, nothing illegal will happen, mostly because when you talk to girls they lose interest so theres really almost no chance of you fucking her." He said, laughing, I punched him in the arm and stood up, trying not to psych myself out.

I couldn't help it, staying away from her was impossible. For the first time in months, I didn't feel completely weighed down by bitter sadness and stupid depressing thoughts, I actually wanted to talk to someone. She had done that, I wanted more of it. Her crazy kind of ignited me.

She didn't even look at me when I was standing right next to her. I spoke up.

"How'd you hear about this party?" I asked. She slowly turned to face me.

"Just because I'm not in college doesn't mean I can't go to parties." She said.

"I didn't say that, it's just that I know almost everyone here or at least know that they are in college and I don't know you. I was just wondering." I gestured to the people and then looked back at her, smiling to seem a little more friendly.

"You do know me, we met earlier, you brought me upstairs to fuck me and then I scared you off. But, as per usual, you've become intrigued and can't stay away." She seemed almost bored of me as she was saying it, like this game of cat and mouse was a daily occurrence.

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