Finding out

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Killian's P.O.V

"Where have you been?" Mary Margaret asks as I walk through the door.

"I went to see Emma." I sighed

"You did?!? How did it go?" David asks

"Not that good..... well I tried to give her true loves kiss but it didn't work."

"Killian.... you know she loves you. But she isn't the woman you fell in love with. I'm sure she still loves you now, but the old Emma was your true love she was the one you were going to propose to." Mary Margaret says.

"I know but it still bothers me." I sigh

"Don't let it. We will find a way to make Emma light again I promise."

Emma's P.O.V

Shortly after Killian left I used my dream catcher to see what he was doing. He was crying. He was heart broken because the true loves kiss didn't work.
I have to do something

"Where were you?"Rumple asked

"None of your business. Leave me alone." I snap.

"But y-"

"I SAID GO!!!"

"Fine" he said then poofed away.

I have to tell Killian then speed up my pregnancy. I can't stand seeing him heart broken. But I'm scared to tell him. My walls are still up.

I looked over to my mothered house and see Killian talking to my parents.

"Pirate we need to talk. Let's go now." I said then pooping us away.


"Just shut up so I can talk." I say

"Killian I think it's time I told you what happened in Camelot."


"Yes, I trust you.... but I think we should go home." I said then poofing us home.

I smile and he kisses me.

"God I missed you." I said kissing
him back.

"I missed you too."

"Killian I think you should sit down."

He sat down and looked at me concerned.

"Killian in Camelot..... well.... I'm pregnant." I blurt out.

"Swan you ca- WHAT?!?"

I can't down and cried

"Swan don't cry you just surprised me that's great news!!!" He said wrapping his arms 

" No!!Killian it's not I'm so stupid." I cry


"So I had to use dark magic to save Robin and I wouldn't pick a price so then Rumple picked a price for me....."

Light & Dark Love: A Captain Swan Story #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now