early days

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Everyone keeps telling me its her fault that shes the one to blame for me going to prison. Everyone blamimg her, everyone calling her names and saying things about her being a lesbian. I dont really think my family understand she didnt have a gun to my head when I carried that bag i did it becasue i loved her and i would do anything for her, and her being a lesbian they havnt quite got the fact that she was in a relationship with me so i am a lesbian to.

When the judge gave me my verdict in court i thought i would be mad at her. But i wasnt, there wasnt anything for me to be mad at her about. She gave me everything i had ever dreamed of, i never, well i couldnt complain she was treating me like a princess . To be honest me carrying that bag was one of the tiny little prices i paid for everything she was doing for me. Well it was tiny at the time, well what do they say 'karmas a bitch' i did a bad thing so now a bad thing is happening to me.

Is it really a bad thing though like think of all the things ill experience when im in there, the different cultures, prison food, i can catch up on my reading. I might make life long friends. One thing that keeps playing on my mind is that what if shes there, what if im going to be spending all the time im locked up with her. Its been 8 years. I cant just act like she was never apart of my life, she was my life for a long time. And god did i love her. From the first time i set eyes on her i knew she would have a hold on me like she was a ghost and was holding tight onto my heart.

I truly do regret leaving her. I honestly think if she is in here that she will not want to talk to me.  God dammit i left her all alone the day her mum died, i left her alone for 8 years. The love of my life. What woukd i have done if she woukd of commited suicide or turned into a junky or an alcholic. I cant stop thinking about the firdt time we met.

10 years ago

I walked into a sports type bar  looking for a part time job. I walked in and it was kinda cool it had a good vibe. I went up to the bar and had a look around i saw a few posh looking kids and then my eyes where drawn to one tabke there where 4 women sitting there 2 blonde women, one short brown haired women, and then there she was her beautiful smile was lighting uo the room, her amazing long black hair with blue at the ends made her look so edgy. She was thin and she stood up so i turned away but i glimpsed at her for a moment she was so tall she was just in one word. Stunning. I put my head down and she came and say next to me.  She was staring at me for a few minutes and then i giggled. "So whats a beautiful women like doing in a place like this" her voice was so raspy and it had a sexy deep tone to it. I turned around and  looked at her "im looking for a job" she smiled showing her amazing perfect teeth. "In this place, really" she chuckled to herself then looked at me and said "so your a daddys girk who was born into a well of family who has wanted you to study law in college from the day you started school" i laughed "wow you are incredibly good st reading people" she pushed up her glasses and pulled a smug face "yeah i am arnt i" she paused "so what else do i need to know about you ....". "Piper my name is piper chapmam" she smiled at me "so piper chapman, what woukd you like to know about me"  i called the bar tender over and asked margarita he looked up at her and she gave him a look as if to say ill pay she was so cute. When the bsrtender gave me my drink. I looked over to her and said "name and ocupation" she laughed "wow you would make a good lawyer, anyway i work for an international drug cartel" i looked at her in a funny way and her face dropped. I think it offended her. "Wow how interesting. And your name is"
I raised my eyebrows as i took a sip of my drink. "Im Alex, Alex Vause"

Present day

I remeber that day like it was yesterday.

We pulled up outside of the penitentiary. My dad opened my door for me and heloed me step out. " so here it goes your new life" he groaned sarcastically. I just smiled trying to hokd bsck tears. I didnt want him to come in with me because i knew i would just be histerically crying by the time it was time to go in.

I gave him my phone and he gave me money for me to buy things in there. I gave him one last short hug that fel like forever. "I love you daddy, ill phone you as soon as i can" i started to tear up. "Ok pumpkim i love you to" as he drove back throigh the gates back into reality. Somewhere i wont be for a long time. I walked through a big bkack gate which had barbed wire on the top. into an office there wss a short podgy women at the desk. "May i help you maam" i smiled. "Hi yes im surrendering myself, im piper chapman" she stood up and took my belongings.
"This way miss chapman" as she lesd me to my new home.

Hi guys i hope you liked the first chapter please add this story to your reading list if you are enjoying it. As you can tell i am adding a few twists on the original oitnb set uo of alex and piper. I am also not going to mske them fall in love straight away. But anyway please give me any opinions or critisims in the comments and message me if you have any ideas you would like me to portray in one of the chapters. Thsnkyou so much. My little dudes and dudets.

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