#' One Direction - Guys Meet Nathan.

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Beth's point of view'

Oh my gosh. Why did i open my big fat gob. Why didn't i just hide in my room, ughh. The game was about to began but someone rang the door ball. YAY saved by the bell.

'Ill get it' I yelled and ran to the door, i just hope its for me, so i can get away from everyone in there.

I took a deep breathe and then opened the door, and there stood a smiling Nathan looking down at me. Yes looking down at me, just so you all know im very small for my age. Anyway Nathan the one i mentioned earlier, you know the big fat nutter, anyway his black Justin Bieber hair was in place perfectly and i have also noticed he has had his bottom lip pierced on the left hand-side hmm...people can change within a week huh? But if i may say so myself it made him look hotter, yes i think my best friend is hot.Get over it. I looked at him and smiled, he has beautiful Hazel brown eyes that i always get lost in, which is wired because he is my best friend, but its ok for best friends to do that right?

'Ermm..Earth to Beth' Nathan said while clicking his fingers in my face.

'Oh sorry hunny, ermm come in' I said while leading him in.

'BETH WHO IS IT' Louis shouted. I just rolled my eyes, while Nathan just laughed.

'NATHAN' I shouted back, i grabbed Nathan' hand and dragged him into the living room, where everyone was sitting. Nathan and Louis got on really well, Louis thought Nathan was cool and funny, its good to have friends your family like the people you hang out with though.

'Oh my god, Nathan is that really you?' Louis asked.

Yes Nathan has changed over the last year. He used to have dark brown hair, and wear trackies and well you know what jockeys where, but this was a different Nathan, new hair, new clothes but he is still the sweet old Nathan we all know and love.

'Yeah its me, its good to see you again Louis' Nathan said.

All the boys looked confused, but Mia just rolled her eyes and looked away. A year ago before Louis moved to Londan, Mia had a big crush on Nathan but Nathan didn't like her in that way and after that everything is just damn awkward when they are in the same room. Nathan told her he is inlove with someone, but she is still unknown, he won't even tell me and Sophie which is wired we told each other everything.

'Oh yeah boys this is Nathan, my best mate' I told them while hugging Nathan' side, he hugged me back and laughed. He smelt nice haha. I let out a little giggle.

'What's funny Beth?' Harry asked me. I cant tell him, 'oh i think Nathan smells nice' thats just wired.

'Nothing, i was just thinking that's all' I said smiling at him, he smiled back and looked to the ground.

'Oh Beth can i talk to you?' Nathan asked me.

'Shoot' I said while looking at him.

'Ermmm...just us.' He said shyly. Ok this is getting wired Nathan is never shy infront of me. Or it might be because 5 famous singing are in the room with him, his sister loves them and i think its cute.

'Sure go to my room, ill be up in a minute' I told him, letting go of him so he could go upstairs.

I looked at everyone and they looked at me with blank emotions, as soon as Nathan left the room Mia looked at me. Gosh will everyone stop looking at me.

'WOW, he has changed' Louis said and shaking him head. I love it when he does that his hair goes all over the place like Justin Bieber'.

'Like Beth then?' Mia asked Louis, i just rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. Gosh its not my fault he never liked her was it? I was making my way upstairs thinking what was wrong with him until i heard Louis yell me name. I ran down stair and back in the living-room and looked a him.

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