#' One Direction - I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret.

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Beth's point of view'

He cupped my face with his soft hands and i tiptoed so i could place my forehead on his. See i told you i was small. He started to lean in so i did to.

Why was he doing this? What was i doing? Why was he leaning in? Why was i leaning in? I know Louis wouldn't like this but something was telling me to forget what Louis has to say and just kiss the boy.

'Whats going on in here?' I sighed and took a step back and looked down, afraid to see who had just walked in. But yet again i knew who it was, i mean came on he is the only Irish one in the house.

'Niall its not what it looks like' Harry spoke. Huh? What did it look like then?

'I doesn't look like, that from where i'm stand' Niall said back. I just took a sit on the table looking at them both. Niall looked at me with questionable eyes. Gosh whats his problem.

'Not  to be rude or anything but its got nothing to do with you' I spat at him, trying not to make eye contact with him. Or Harry.

'Well you am lucky it was me walking in and not one of the others' He told me. I sighed. He was right. What if it was Louis? Or worse Mia.

'Come on Harry man, its Louis' little sister if he ever finds out he will kill you' Niall told Harry.

Harry looked at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry' i just smiled at him and looked down.

Niall's point of view'

'Come on Harry man, its Louis' little sister if he ever finds out he will kill you' I told Harry. But Harry just looked start at Beth and mouthed 'I'm sorry' and she just looked down.

'I could do you both a massive favour, if that helps?' I said to them with a big grin on my face.

Beth looked up at me and raised her eyes brows and gave me a confused look.

'What do you have in mine you Irish leprechaun' She said to me. Oh my god, not her to.

'Don't call me that' I wained. Harry and Beth just started laughing and i gave them a death glare.

'Fine i won't help you to out, just don't blame me if you want some alone time and you get caught.' I spat at them and turned my heels around to walk out the door, but Beth and Harry ran infront of me and shut the kitchen door. They looked at each then back to me.

'What are you talking about, it was a one off thing' Harry told me.

'Yes it was a mistake and it wasn't supposed to happen' Beth spat.

Oh came on, you can tell Harry likes Beth by the way he was looking at her when he first saw her and eyeing her up and down like there was no tomorrow. I mean Harry is a ladies man and such a flirt, but i have never seen him look at a girl like that since ive known him. And Beth well i haven't had a change to get to know her she was never around when ever we was.

'Oh come on Harry you know you like her, the way you was looking at her earlier and you am just lucky that i was the only one who saw' I told him.

Harry's point of view'

'Oh come on Harry you know you like her, the way you was looking at her earlier and you am just lucky that i was the only one who saw' Niall told me, i felt my cheeks burning, i bit my lip and looked at Beth, she turned her head and looked at me and smiled, but i just looked down. Brilliant. Ive gone all shy. I bet she thinks im a right freak.

'Harry?' Beth spoke i looked and turned to her and leaned aganist the door.

'Well im going to go to see if the other are awake while you two talk and by the way your secret is safe with me...oh and you always have to fill me in with the hot top gossip' Niall said while winking. Beth just started to laugh and moved out the way of door, i sighed and then moved and with that Niall walked out and closed the door behind him.

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