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Jess' POV
I woke up to the smell of something burning. Starting to panic, I leaped out of bed- flinging open my door.
Greeted by smoke, I started coughing.
What the hell was up?! Who burned something?
"IVOR!" I screeched, running down the hallway half blind. "IVOR YOU ARSEHOLE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
The smoke blinded me partially, making it hard to see where I was walking.
"IVOR!" I screamed.
No reply.
I kept wandering my way through the hallway until the smoke cleared, finding myself in the library.
I saw my friends gathered at a dark wooden table, huddling around an ecstatic Ivor.
"JESSE!" Boomed Ivor, making me jump slightly. "COME OVER HERE!"
I walked to Ivor and my friends, seeing a bright blue splash potion.
Almost electric blue, it glowed softly on the table, smoking slightly.
"Is that where the smoke's coming from?" I asked, annoyed.
"Hey Jesse!" Called Lukas, smiling.
"..hey, Lukas..." I sighed. "What's going on here?"
"Ivor created a new potion...but he doesn't know what it does..."
"I've called Sorren over!" Exclaimed Ivor, practically jumping up and down. "He's gonna come over and see if it needs to be quarantined or not."
"Don't you think it's not safe to have a potentially radioactive potion in our library?" Asked Olivia, walking in with redstone dust all over her. "It could do something terrible!"
"Come on, Olivia." I teased. "It can't do that much harm."
Olivia crossed her arms, keeping a decent length away from the potion.
"Fine." Growled Olivia, walking a bit closer. "But if I get sick and die- you're all paying for my funeral."
Petra laughed, making me jump as well.
I didn't know she was here.
"Olivia you're hilarious!" Laughed Petra, trying to catch her breath.
"OOOOOH!" Gasped Axel, running into the room. "THAT POTION IS SHINY! CAN I HOLD IT?!"
He ran to the table, causing the others to move out of his way.
"Sure, Axel." Sighed Ivor, Axel picking up the potion. "Just make sure not to-"
The sound of breaking glass filled the air, making me stay frozen.
"...Break it." Huffed Ivor.
Suddenly, my head hurt like crazy, making me panic a bit.
I looked around, seeing nothing different.
Did...nothing happen?
"Ooowwww..." groaned Jess, rubbing her head. "That hurt... wait... WHY DOES MY VOICE SOUND DIFFERENT?!"
...why was there a second Jess? Wait- I'm Jess!
My head started hurting, throbbing immensely.
I clutched my head, feeling short messy hair.
"WHA-" I screeched, ruffling my fingers through my hair. "WHATS HAPPENED TO-"
"AHHHHHHHH!" Screamed Olivia, her high-pitched yells scaring me. "WHAT HAPPENED?! IM A GIRL!"
"Olivia. You've always been a girl." Said Axel, smirking. Axel's eyes turned wide and he looked at himself, terrified. "HOLY HELL IM AXEL!!"
"WHATS GOING ON?!" Screeched Jess, freaking out.
I looked at myself, seeing that I had on a red and white striped shirt, a leather jacket, and was taller than normal.
"Wait..." tested Petra. "WHAT?!"
Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing Sorren.
Everyone whipped their head around, Sorren's shocked face making me nervous.
"WHAT HAPPED TO YOU GUYS?!" Yelled Sorren, eyeing the broken glass shards on the table.
Olivia stuck a pose, smirking.
"Hello, dear friend." Purred Olivia, seductively.
"Uhh..." stuttered Sorren, sounding confused. "What color was that potion?"
"Electric Blue." Piped up Jess.
Sorren's eyes widened, filled with fear.
"Everyone. Tell me their names." Commanded Sorren.
"NAMES!" Screeched Sorren.
"I'm Olivia." Said Ivor, sounding disgusted.
"In Axel.." sighed Petra.
"I'm Petra." Muttered Axel.
"Im.. Lukas..."squeaked Jess.
"And...im... Jess..." I sighed.
Sorren looked at us, suddenly bursting into laughter.
"O-OKAY... SO... YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT- THAT YOU GUYS SOMEHOW SWITCHED BODIES?" Asked Sorren, not able to contain his laughter.
"DAMN RIGHT IM TELLING YOU THAT!" Growled Axel, his face contorted into a look of rage. "DO YOU THINK WE'D BE LYING ABOUT SOMETHING THIS IMPORTANT!"
Sorren's face turned back to normal, showing pity.
"Y-you're right... I don't think that you guys would lie to me about that..." sighed Sorren, walking to us.
He picked up a glass shard, the surface tinted blue from the liquid inside.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked, my voice much deeper.
Sorren looked to me, his face sad.
"I... I hate to say this.. but you all will be stuck like this until Ivor... or.. whoever Ivor is at the moment- can come up with an antidote."
"WHAT?!" Wailed Lukas, (<<jess' body) "HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE?!"
Sorren signed, placing the glass shards back on the table.
"I don't honestly know." Huffed Sorren, depressed. "But it will be two days at most."
Horror filled Lukas's face, his face turning bright red.
"I CANT BE STUCK LIKE THIS!" He objected. "...what if I have to pee?"
Olivia (<<<Ivor's body) burst into hysterics, laughing so hard she fell over.
"IM SERIOUS!" Screeched Lukas.
"And im serious about the fact that you'll have to learn to hold it for more than two days, or get used to it." Growled Sorren. "There's no use in complaining about something that we can't control."
Axel (<<<Petra's body) crossed his arms, obviously trying to avoid the chest area while doing so. Which looked extremely awkward.
"You know something?" Asked Sorren. "I could've probably figured out who was who by seeing how you reacted to this situation."
"Really?" Asked Petra. (<<<Axel's body)
"Indeed." Sighed Sorren. "I could tell right away that Lukas was trapped inside Jess because of how horrified he looked. I saw how Petra couldn't help but stare at her chest, therefore, I knew Axel was in her."
He looked at the rest of us, smirking.
"I figured out that Olivia was trying to flirt with me- and that Ivor was inside her. I saw that Ivor looked disgusted, and thought that Olivia must have been inside him. Also, I could tell Jess was trapped in Lukas because of how red his face seemed."
Everyone stared at Sorren, shocked he could figure that out.
"Now, leave me to my work." Signed Sorren, picking up another shard and examining it. "Have fun with your temporary bodies."

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