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Lukas's POV
I walked into my room, feeling much shorter than normal.
I-I can't believe I'm actually trapped in Jess' body for two days.
This is so awkward....
I sat down on my bed, not even wanting to think about what this could mean.
I'd just prefer to sit here and do nothing forever.
Petra's POV
"What the hell am I supposed to do when I take off my shirt?" I muttered to myself, looking at myself in the mirror.
Axel was is much bigger than the rest of us- tall and more muscular. No wonder he was so clumsy.
I knew why he was always knocking things things over.
...he IS sort of like a big teddy bear.
Olivia's POV
This sucks.
I'm stuck in an old dude's body, having nothing better to do than reflect on life.
And that's a pretty low bar.
Jess' POV
I looked in the mirror, seeing Lukas's cute dimples when I smiled.
His eyes were... my color? Okay, I guess I get to keep my eyes, then.
Wait- I have lots of concerns.
...this was gonna be hard.
Ivor's POV
I... was young again.
Not only was I young- but I was also a GIRL.
...I could flirt with guys without them knowing.
Heh heh. Heh.
*maniacal laughter*

Kk I know it's short. I'm sorry. I promise the next one will be much longer- i PROMISE. We good? Good. See you in the next chapter.

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