Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Tim's pov

Faith took out ingredients for what I'm guessing was chicken dumplings. I looked at her and said "you know how to make that? Thats my favorite thing to cook!" She looked up with a grin from ear to ear and said "well good looks like Your making dinner" with a flirty smile. I laughed and said "sounds good do you want to make corn bread?" She said "yeah" so we both started cooking our parts of the meal and finally everything was done cooking. I helped Faith set the table and we put the food in the middle of the table. We sat down and started to eat. After dinner i helped her clean up all the dishes and the mess in the kitchen. Faith was standing at the sink washing a dish and I couldn't help it, i walked up and put my arms around her waist. She turned around and put her arms around me. She looked me right in the eye and said "Tim, i really like you. I'm just scared to trust anybody. I don't want to start a relationship to get hurt again." I stopped and i kissed her. I looked at her and said "Faith, you mean so much to me. I could never hurt you like that. I like you too and you can trust me i promise." She smiled and kissed me. The kiss got more intense. We finally pulled away and went to the couch to watch a movie. We put one in and i wrapped Faith in my arms and we both fell asleep. I woke up at 3 to a knock of the door and woke Faith up to let her know. She got up to answer the door and i walked behind her and she opened the door and i lost my breathe. I'm guessing thats Jake, i thought to myself.

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