Gene is back?!

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Aphmau- hey mom I'm home!

Sylvania- ooooooo let me see what you picked!

Aphmau- ok
*Pulls out dress*

Sylvania- oh my gosh I love it

Aphmau- thanks I just hope laurence will like it too

Sylvania- I'm sure he will love it

Aphmau- ok well I'm going to get to bed because I have school tomorrow and don't want to miss it!

*In the morning*

Aphmau- *yawn* well it's time to get to school! Man it was a heck of a week but I'm glad I got to see kawaii~chan and Zane and Katelyn.

Aphmau leaves the house and goes up to laurence and garroth hugs them*

Laurence- hey aphmau so did you ask your mom about the dance?

Aphmau- yes and she said yes but Katelyn is going to be watching me

Katelyn- you know I am

Aphmau- hey Katelyn *she hugs her*

Katelyn- you just saw me like a day ago to go get are dresses

Laurence- wait dresses?

Aphmau- yeah me, Katelyn, and kawaii~chan all went to get dresses for the dance and I think kawaii~chan got like the most BEAUTIFUL dress ever!

Laurence- so you think zane will like it too?

Aphmau- yeah

KC- hi aphmau~senpai!

Aphmau- hey kawaii~chan!

KC- *she sneezes*

Aphmau, Katelyn, garroth, laurence- bless you

KC- thank you *sneezes*

Aphmau- oh my gosh, kawaii~chan are you ok?

KC- kawaii~chan is ok just has something wrong with her

Laurence- maybe allergies?

KC- kawaii~chan doesn't have allergies

Katelyn- well we have to get to class now

Aphmau- bye laurence and garroth I'll see you guys at the end of the day!


KC- oh no kawaii~chan is going to sneeze again! *Sneezes*

Whole class- bless you

KC- thank you

Teacher- kawaii~chan cone get a tissue please

KC- thank you

Teacher- maybe you should take a few more just in case

KC- thank you

Zane- kawaii~chan are you ok?

KC- yes she's just a little sick

Zane- are you going to be ok for the dance? It's coming up this week

KC- yes it will probably just be for a day or so

Zane- ok well I'll text you later ok?

KC- yeah


Laurence was getting some things from his locker when someone showed up.

Gene- well what do we have here?

Laurence- just leave me alone Gene!

Sasha- do we even need to be by him he's no fun to play with?

Gene- just watch.
So I heard aphmau said yes to your date for the dance

Laurence- yeah she did. Have a problem with it?

Gene- no just saying cause I've been watching you guys and I don't think she likes you

Laurence- just get out of here!

Gene- I love it when a fight starts!
*He pushes him*

Aphmau- laurence!

Laurence- get out of here aphmau this is my fight!

Gene- well look what happened here. The kitty finally showed up!

Zenix- what is she going to do, get her claws out?

Aphmau- laurence who are these people?

Laurence- these are the 3 members of the shadow Knights. Gene, Sasha, and Zenix.
I used to be one of them.

Gene- yeah but then you quit because you didn't want to be cool

Laurence- no I didn't want to because you guys are mean!

Aphmau- you guys better get out of here now!
*She pushes him down*

Gene- wow the kitty does have some claws

Laurence- ok that's it! You mess with her, you mess with me!

Katelyn- woah! What is going on!

Aphmau- Katelyn get out of here!

Katelyn- no what is going on?!
Wait, Gene?!

Gene- well what a surprise?

Katelyn- why are you here?

Gene- no reason

Aphmau- what?! Your here to bother laurence that's what your doing!

*garroth and Vylad shows up*

Garroth- what the- laurence? Katelyn? Aphmau? What is going on? And, Gene?

Aphmau- ok Gene get out of here right now before I get you out!

Gene- I will and not because you told me to

Aphmau- laurence are you ok?

Laurence- yes

Vylad- uhh what was that?

Laurence- it was the shadow Knights

Vylad- garroth remember when they were at are old school?

Laurence- what? Garroth they were at your old school?!
(Ok I can't spell the name of there school so yh)

Garroth- yes I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I know that you used to be one and I just didn't feel like I should of told you.

Laurence- it's ok but did they do anything to you

Garroth- yes. They tried to make Vylad one but I stopped them
And that's why we go here on but I guess they know where we are now

*Bell rings*

Aphmau- well that's the end of the day bell now I got to go so I'll see you guys tomorrow

Katelyn- bye aphmau!


Zane- hey kawaii~chan I was looking for you

KC- oh hi zane~kun! What did you want?

Zane- I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me at the movies you know just as friends?

KC- kawaii~chan would love to! See you tomorrow zane~kun!

Zane- bye!

Zane~chan season 1Where stories live. Discover now