Pt. 5: Getting too soft, aren't I?

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Jason's POV

My eyes were shot opened as I looked around and my finger almost pulled the trigger, I looked around and it was empty. My fingers ran through my black hair with white streaks as I got up, and walked towards the mirror. 

My eyes were bloodshot once again, and somehow I can't remember what I dreamed, all I know was a young girl around the age of 15 with jet black hair, and odd orbs. Her left eye was white while the other was jet black. She was smiling and talking to me, but I couldn't hear what she said. But even then, her features were vivid as they blurred more in my dreams...

She made me calm on both inside and out. I don't remember her name but all I know was that I need to find her, she's the only one who can pull me out of my murderous state. I may be doing this for good but it didn't stop me from attempting murder. 

I grabbed my mask and jacket before looking out the window, it was getting dark and I was going to meet Nightmare once more, and apologized for what I did a a couple of days ago, it was just my heart beats a million beats when she looked at me. 

I jumped out of the window cause why not? And landed safely on top of another building. I still remember how tears fell down her cheeks, and she lied to me with the best act she could create, it was strange...when she lied, it felt deja vu..but I didn't know when and who..

As I sprint towards the spot we would met, the moments of when I first met her kept repeating in my mind. I rolled my eyes as I remembered her 'laughter' that actually could be heard miles away, as a smile crept on my lips. I shot a couple of men that blocked my way as I saw her figure from afar, as her coat fluttered along with her long jet black hair. 

As I drew neared to her, her eyes that was blocked by the white lenses as I walked towards her. She knew my presence as she turned to me, I still couldn't help but stare at her. The way her mini dress hugged her chest and all the curves tightly would made me go insane, and the way her mask suits her cat-like features really is a turn on. 

"What now?" she said as she tilted her head, damn, she's adorable. "Have you been to a nightclub?" I teased as her cheeks tinted light pink and nodded. "Good cause our next target will be there, ready to burst in?" I asked as she smiled and nodded. 

I spaced out a bit when she smiled, it was as if I saw the smile before but where?


We begun sprinting towards Gotham Nightclub, and man, it was packed with prostitutes, literally. I felt Nightmare shifted closer to me, as if hiding herself from the dirty scenery. "I hate...." she muttered something but I couldn't pick it up with all the moans and grunts filling the air. 

Then, I saw our target, Thomas Park. Billionaire and more playboy than Bruce, and poorer than Bruce but god knows how the hell he got the title 'Billionaire'. I nudged Nightmare's shoulder, "That's him" she looked at him before a low groan left her lips. 

She walked over to him, maybe trying to persuade him or something while I was being dragged by prostitutes. Great. 

They were sprawling all over me, touching my abdomen, torso, biceps and more. They were about to push the buttons on my helmet but a sudden voice cuts them off, "Sorry to interrupt but I really need my partner right now" a rather cold voice made me look up, it was Nightmare. 

"Jealous much?" I smirked under my helmet as she turned away, "With that helmet on your head? You wish" she sassed before pulling my wrist and walked us towards our target. 

Thomas was waiting for us, as we sat down in a private room. "I give you a deal, if I give 50% of my territory to you, will you please leave me alone?" he said in a rather spoiled yet desperate voice. "Not interested" Nightmare said, she was right. Our job was to kill him, not giving him a chance. 

He have been recorded to steal donated money from both Arachi Enterprises and Wayne Enterprises, those money were going to be used for orphanages that held children over their capacity and planned to build more houses and facilities for them. "Why did you steal those money" Nightmare cuts in within the silence as I looked over to Thomas, his sweat was starting to show. 

"Are you nuts? Those midgets doesn't even deserve to get those money!!! I do!!" I heard something snapped as he pronounced the word 'midgets'. "The money could even be used to lure women like you.." he slurred as he sat beside Nightmare, I could feel my blood boiled at the scene. 

I pulled out my gun and pointed at his head, "What happens when I blow his head up?" I said as he stumbled back until he hits the wall. "All those money and his future funds would be transferred to Wayne Enterprises and possibly, Arachi Enterprises" Nightmare said as she locked the sound-proof door. 

"Let's make this quick, shall we?" I smirked as I pulled the trigger, I looked back to see blood trailing down Nightmare's cheeks but she just wiped it off like it was no big deal. "We need to get out of here before they got suspicious..." she muttered as I switched my X-ray vision on. '

I looked behind the door to see no one was around, as I took this chance to look at my partner. I swallowed back my erection as my eyes widen at what I was seeing, black bra with lace as it perfectly cupped her breasts, and with her position right now I could see her black laced panties hugged her butt perfectly as well. 

I turned it off and shook my head, get you head in the game Jay! I sighed before looking at her. The thing I wanted to do the most wasn't look at her, but to apologize. I took her fingerless gloved hands in mine as I was surprised how a delicate, soft hands like her could wield a scythe and kill lives without hesitations. 

"I'm sorry about what happened a few days ago.." I said as I averted my gaze, and I heard chuckled making me turn to her. She chuckled before calming down and looked at me as if she could see my orbs behind those white lenses. 

"I already forgiven you, relax~" she purred before lightly pushing me aside. Oh god, I'm getting to soft on her, aren't i?..

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