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i like the way 'babe' sounds on your lips

your lips are as sweet as they are venomous, biting me with words that seer into my soul and the

venom spreads around my appendages amending my heart and acclaiming my 'beautiful' mind

you're warm and your heart is loud

loud with opinions that rattle this house and taint the meat within it mad cow they could call it because you made the cow mad

but you made the pussy[cat] happy and purr the house vibrates now and it vibrates with the venom you spread in the pussy[cat]'s flesh it constantly acclaims you

you are a beast which should be feared your rash comments are unforgiving and brazen and made me feel small but i don't mind because you're so big

tie me up in your words and make my heart implode on itself you're all i need and care about

oh holy ones

i worship a

man who worships


"chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."

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