una syllaba

11 2 0

one syllable
that's all you'll ever get from me
you've robbed me of my dignity and spirit, why would I ever let you take my words
for they are the most powerful thing I have
but you take them away and suffocate them with your pillow of superiority
this whole syllable won't mean a thing to you
you don't need to say
I already know
you've already won and you know it and so do I but, still, these tears flow freely
watch them paint watercolour rivers along my cheeks
everything is falling apart and all I can muster is a single syllable
you've got him and I've got an empty grin
singing hymns of lonliness they flood the lonely air surrounding my lonesome
the rusty barrotone of your voice seeps into the marrow of my bones wherein it multiplies and stays stationary in my heart and brain

"a wound gets worse when treated with neglect"

- stevie nicks

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