Caught Red Handed and Helpful Little Brothers

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I made my way up the tree branch, holding back tears as I approached my window. If I was going to get inside without alerting my parents, I would have to be swift, but honestly, at this point I didn't care. I opened the window without a second thought, but it wasn't budging really. Only half of it was up, and I decided that was going to have to be enough. I grunted heavily and tried to squeeze my way through the narrow opening, as the blaring alarm went off. How I hated that alarm. I was almost out when both of my parents came storming into my bedroom. Mother let out an agonizing scream and father pulled me out with his own strength and hold me close to him, shaking me like a rag doll. "STAR BUTTERFLY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU-" he was starting to strangle me and I gasped for air, causing my mother to pull him away.

"Young lady, first you go past curfew, then you lie about your new class and now you're sneaking out! You better start talking, and make it quick" mother glared at me, hurt and frustration displayed miserably in her eyes. I licked my lips and tired of coming up with lies, I slammed my hands against my sweatpants and sighed. "I don't know" I exclaimed, like an over-exaggerated sigh. Father narrowed his eyes and mother rolled her eyes. "Well, I feel a lot better now that you've explained" she retorted sarcastically.

"Star, you can't go out in the city! It's too dangerous; and you just don't understand!" father shouted. That really upset me. "Why does everybody think I'm not going to understand anything?" I screamed back, thinking solely about how little Marco had appeared to trust me. I was pretty sure we had just broken up. And the worst part? It wasn't just Marco. My parents doubted me too. "You are grounded" father slapped me so hard, I bounced onto my bed and began crying, as they stormed out, cussing up a storm.


"Kylie's out with a friend, dad" I answered his question about where my sister was. "Okay" dad sat down at the dinner table and we blessed our food. I was still salty about my run in with his boss; but I was curious. "Can...can Jamie's dad fire you?" I asked, staring straight into dad's eyes, wanting a clear answer.

"It's possible...but you shouldn't-"

"Worry?" I felt my voice crack but I didn't really care at this point. "WORRY?! Tell me why I shouldn't worry. You work so dang hard, dad, and now there's a chance you won't be able to provide for me? For Kylie?" I wanted to go off, but dad had begun glaring at me now. "What happened, son?" he questioned. I frowned. "What does it matter?" I spat. "It matters, because I am your father and I care for you too much to let you feel any pain, especially because of me" he stood up, slamming his meaty hands on the table and appearing more raged than I. 

"I ran into your stupid boss today. And it sucked. And I'm...I'm afraid" I bit back all the tears that desired so much to be exonerated. "Don't be. I will sort this out. For now, I want to know what's really bothering you" dad sat back down and put his hand over mine, the way mom used to do.

"It's my partner" I respired. "Your partner? Kylie said you were both getting along well with each other. Very well" he raised his eyebrows. God, I hope Kylie hadn't spilled all the beans. She likes dropping food. And breaking doorknobs.

"Well, so did I. But Jamie's dad to me. And, dad? I think I made an abominable mistake" I smacked my forehead. "Abominable? Big word" dad lifted his head thoughtfully. "Yeah. Star liked those" I murmured and then blushed. "Sorry. Got distracted. But here's the deal, Marco. You can't go around taking your indignation out on other people. What you should be doing, as an alternative, is molding that peevishness into love. So, when that dance competition rolls around, I want you to decimate the dance floor like Bob the Builder decimates worthless buildings" and when dad said that I found myself laughing.

But a deep realization of fear overcame me.

Star and I were currently done.

How was I going to compete?



I lay on my bed, bored, listening to the humming of my dad's lawn mower. I want to kill that lawn mower.

I do my best to avoid thoughts about Marco, but little things, like how his smile forms and how when's he's thinking, his eyebrows will grow close together. Dang it!

I close my eyes and do my best to fall asleep. Just when I think I might actually get some rest, my little brother barges in. "Johnny, go away" I moan, smashing my pillow into my face, trying to give as many hints as possible. "But-" I interrupt him. "Seriously. I...I'm not in the mood to talk" I sigh. "But I just wanted to help..." I can hear him trudging away, but I decide to sit up and reply. "Help with what?" I inquired. Johnny spun around, smirking confidently, as if he knew I was going to succumb. "You're supposed to be dancing tonight, riiiiiight?" Johnny clambered onto my bed, securing his helmet on top of his rumpled hair. "Supposed to" I shrugged.

"Yes" Johnny nodded. "And you still want to go? Well, if you want to go, call up backup" Johnny indicated towards his walkie talkie. Then a thought occurred to me. Call up backup.



it's been SO long. ily all, who've been a part of the roses meadow from the beginning, and have joined :)

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