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Listening to Hallelujah like an idiot bc whenever I hear the song I cry. OH WELL

I warn you all now. The word "Negro" comes up in this story at least once or twice. Please keep in mind that this was a project for my history class, and my teacher wanted us to keep the time age and some smaller details (like racism) as accurate as possible. I had to restrain myself from deleting that word multiple times to complete this. I hope you enjoy, and here is Mishaps!


"ALL SLAVES TO THE MESS HALL NOW!!" I shoot up out of my tiny cot and after slipping on my charred shoes, dash out to the mess hall across the property. Being the only girl slave has it's perks, I get my own slave house.

"I gathered you all here today because there has been big news. As you know, the Union won the Civil War. Meaning slavery is no more." I look at the male slaves and see them all with blank expressions.

"Sir, does this mean... We're free?"

"Yes, Blue. You all are free. All twenty-five of you." The guys celebrate wildly while my thoughts kick in.

Where will we go?

No job.

No money.

No food.

No family.


The master's wife, Mrs. Hannel, must have seen my expression because she hugged me tight.

"You can stay with us if you like." I nod gratefully and squeeze Mrs. Hannel back. Her and I have been like mother and daughter since I got here. She saw I was a wreck from... 'it'... and helped me make it through. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Hannel is nice too, but Mrs. Hannel is an angel.

Maybe Florida won't be so bad after this...



"Did you hear!!?" My best friend Logan jumps on me on my bed as I draw on my first piece of paper for the week.

"Logan! Stop god darn it you messed me up!"

"Slaves are freed!" The blonde shouts. I immediately toss the drawing supplies to the side and tackle him.

"You're kidding!!" Logan violently shakes his head with a grin on his face. I hug him tightly and we fall onto his bed.

Sure, Logan and I were never slaves, but we both despise slavery. We moved to the Union to help win the Civil War. Now, our dreams come true... Hopefully.

"Logan, this is amazing!" My best friend squeezes me tighter and I blush furiously. Okay, so maaayyybe I like men. Oops... Not.

"Wait! Where do we go? Father... I mean Luke... Surely won't let us stay with him. Besides, we live in Mississippi!" I speak up after letting my crush out from the embrace. Logan holds up a map of our country and points to a weird looking shape on the very left end.

"We're going to California."



I walk out of my old slave cabin in Missippi, small bag with necessities in hand. The song I always sang while working in the fields plays through my head as I walk down streets filled with bodies.

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