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•Ashton Irwin• Third Person•

"Ash, are you okay?" The tall blond asked, looking down at his best friend who was sitting alone on the couch, shaking like crazy. "Ash?" He repeated, fear overwhelming him.

"SHUT UP LUKE" Ashton responded fiercely, his anger growing uncontrollably, his fists clenching under the rage.

"Ash, I-I'm sorry. I-I was just asking." Luke cowered looking down, playing with his feet "Have you been taking your pills?" He whispers lightly, scared of Ashton's response.

Ashton growled with anger, jumping up at the mention of his pills, and he punched his best friend in the face before storming off.

Luke stood in shock, his hands covering his now dripping with blood nose. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath before walking into the kitchen to find his best friends pills.

Meanwhile Ashton was on the verge of tears hearing the voices, his depression disorder, bipolar disorder, and tragically, his schizophrenia.

Now his schizophrenia wasn't as severe as many people's who had it. He didn't see people, he only heard people talking to him, the mere whispers of them trying to talk to him, pressure him into bad things. Sometimes when he took his pills, he could ignore them but when he didn't take them you could guarantee he fell into the pressure.

Your worthless Ashton

Ashton you should just kill Luke

Luke is in your way. Dispose of him Ashton

Ashton were the only people who understand you, love you. Luke doesn't.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP" Ashton screams, his hands covering his fragile ears from the disgusting words that flooded his mind.

You can't block us out Ashton. We're in your head.

You stupid, stupid boy.

The voices chuckled, mocking him, teasing him. He couldn't ignore the voices, ordering, chanting for him to just dispose of his best friend.

So when the door opened revealing the blond boy with Ashton's pills, Ashton couldn't control himself, so he looking under his pillow, seeing the black object.

"Ashton, I got you some noodle soup" Luke speaks nervously walking towards his best friend who was turned around, looking at his pillow. "Ashton?" Luke said putting a hand on his best friends shoulder.

Ashton turned around, sad eyes looking up at his best friend.


"I'm sorry" with those words let out of Ashton's voice, a gunshot rang through the apartment building, gaining the attention of the neighbors who came knocking on the door, eventually breaking down the door after hearing the screams and crying of the two boys next door.

"LUKE IM SORRY! IM SO SO SORRY" The dirty blond haired boy screams, tears rushing to his eyes as he cradled his now dead best friend "PLEASE IM SORRY! WAKE UP" he continued

Very good job Ashton

The voices praised his word.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I KILLED HIM! I KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!" Ashton paused "NO! YOU KILLED LUKE" he screams at the voices as his neighbors fearfully call the police. "LUKE PLEASE WAKE UP"

But Luke never did wake up, and Ashton was drug away crying and screaming. Left at a mental hospital where he would go to therapy every day.

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