Shes a normal girl..She's "okay"

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                       She smiles and looks as normal and happy as any other normal girl....

But shes all...

But to everyone else....She looks okay...She looks fine...She looks happy....She looks normal....

No...she isn't

Shes broken...

Shes tierd.......of all the bullshit she has to go threw...

Nobody knows, what she goes through....

What she has to deal with....

All the lies.... All the rumors ....She is tired of it ...

Shes done...

Shes hurt...

Shes ...not all..

        She has a boyfriend....

He doesn't care about her....

He shows he cares sometimes...

But if it had to come between.....Her....or His friends....or almost anything...

He doesn't choose her....

He rather chill with his friends....than his girl...

He doesn't really care...

And she stays with him....she wants him to care....but he won't he will fake it...

But she loves him to much to care...she thinks he loves her

At least thats what he says, he says he will try better and Etc...

But he never does....

But she still thinks he loves her....

 So many nights and days she will tell herself the lie "He really does love me ...He does care...."Because he promised her he did

                            Until the day......He left her.........

She didnt expect it........She was hurt.......she was broken...

But she told everyone who asked "He was a jerk, im so happy its over.....i was about to break up with him.........but he did it first.........oh well Thank gosh"

But no she missed him.........

              One week after the break-up, She found out he was with another girl....already...

And she silently thought to her self.... " Silly girl.......He never loved you"

But she still is broken and hurts everytime she sees him with or with out his new girl.....

                              But she doesnt show it........

And you see.........She looks like a normal average girl.........Not emo......scene.......or like how she feels.......She looks like a normal not emo or scene teenage girl..........

Because........she doesn't have to look that way to feel that way.........

But she acts happy and she isn't broken or hurt......or like something isn't bothering her....or Something is hurting her...

And ...she won't let any one see...

she won't let them see her inner feelings....

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