Welcome to the gang!

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"Uh sure..I don't see why not. I'm just hoping my brother's OK."
"Alright we have set up camp in here, so try to get along with everyone." Ink said smiling. Sans decided to wander around. He came up to meet to...(sigh)Lust.
"Uh hi. I'm Sans." He said uncomfortably.
"We all are sexy~" Lust said seductively."So why don't you and I get wild in bed."
Sans tried to back away slowly but failed since Lust pulled him closer. Face to face.
"Don't try to resist sweety I know all turn on's since I am you~"
"NO!" Sans said but it was too late,Lust grabbed Sans by the hood and dragged him into a tent.
Lust positioned him and Sans so he was sitting behind Sans. He started caressing Sans' ribs and squeezing  his soul. A few moans escaped from Sans' mouth but to Lust it wasn't enough. He pulled out his cock,took off his original doppelgangers shorts and inserted it. He thrusted greedily, harder every thrust.
"You seem to be enjoying this sweety~." He said staring at Sans' pleasured face while still thrusting.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Sans moaned as loud as he could as soon as Lust came inside of him. They both lay down next to each other on the cum-stained bed.
"To be honest I did want that." Sans said truthfully.
"Welcome to the gang~."

I'm so sorry guys! But you're dumb if you didn't see it CUMMING.:) Especially with Lust.

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