Levi X Reader- Saved My Life

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Lance Corporal Levi's squad was outside of the wall on an expedition. Just before Levi called for the return to the wall a wave of titans appeared and separated the squad. No less than ten minutes later Levi had one titan left to take care of but his 3DM gear was out of gas.

"God damn it" Levi muttered under his breath. He was alone the other half of his squad left due to his orders, and now he was going to die from that order.

"Lance Corporal Levi!" a girl's yell was heard and Levi slowly looked up but before his looked all the way up two gas canisters fell before him. When he looked the rest of the way up there was (F/N) (L/N). Just as Levi was about to get to (Y/N) the titan noticed her and before Levi could get to her, she was fly swatted by the titan and fell to the ground. Levi who was already in the air killed the titan with one quick cut across the nape of its neck. He landed few yards in front of (Y/N).

"Cadet (L/N)! God damn it!" Levi cussed and ran to her side, a fall that size would have killed any other person but not (Y/N), she was a strong girl, maybe the strongest Levi had ever met. She was still alive which left room for her to be scolded.

"What in the hell where you thinking cadet! You could have been killed!" Levi stopped to think of her punishment but her quite broken voice was all he heard.

"I know Corporal, but your life means more to this world then mine... if you, Hanji, and Erwin are still alive the world still has a chance to be free, I won't let you die...you mean to much to the world right now...even if I die the squad can still live on...and I know that if I die it wouldn't have been for nothing."

"Don't die cadet, that's an order! If you die because you saved me it will be for nothing...just hold on...please..." Levi looked at her, her skin was losing its color, her eyes not shining the way they did before, then Levi noticed that she was bleeding. He picked her up bridle style and found the closest horse, he shot a retreatment flair and started back to the wall. At the wall the rest of his squad waited, all there and all unharmed, except for (Y/N).

Levi didn't walk through the town he ran, there was no way he was going to let (Y/N) die, his squad was right behind him.

--Time Skip--

Three weeks since Levi's squad returned, the killed and injured numbers haven't been announced yet due to the state of (Y/N). She was on her last thread of life but she just wouldn't let that thread break. There was a meeting for squad leaders tonight, Levi had been skipping meetings, not only that but meals and training as well. This one he had to attend because it was about what happened three weeks ago. The meeting started when Levi walked in.

"Levi tell me and Hanji what happened please." Erwin spoke softly to his friend knowing the smallest thing could set him off.

"I was about to be killed by a titan, I ran out of gas in my gear. Then she gave me her canisters so I could kill this one last titan, but the titan got her before I could and she fell..." Levi spoke in a monotone voice

"How far did she fall, Levi?" Hanji asked, Levi hadn't told her yet because she was the one taking care of her, as a request from Levi.

"About 35 meters" Levi responded "You can't let her die, she saved my life she deserves to live, I don't know what this feeling is but that girl is very-"Levi was cut off by a cadet,

"Sorry to disturb but squad leader Hanji is needed in the medical wing right away" the cadet said and Hanji got up and just about ran through the room. Levi and Erwin sat and waited, they knew what this was about, she was either dead or she came too. They waited and waited for hours on end, Levi with his lack of sleep soon fell asleep.

"Levi I'm so sorry but she's dead. There was nothing I could do, that fall should have killed her right away, but it didn't, there was no saving her.... I'm so sor- "

"No that isn't possible Hanji! You said she could be saved! No!"

Levi screamed and woke from his dream, it was only a dream. Waking up he noticed that he was in his bed, Erwin had brought him back to his room. Hopefully to clear his mind he went outside. The cool crisp autumn air filled his lungs and a slight breeze blew across his face causing his hair to fly about slightly. Out of no were Levi dropped to his knees and cried, it wasn't like him to cry, he was a solder which left him no room to cry. Why was he acting this way, this wasn't him. Then it hit him the reason he was acting this way was because of a young girl in the medical wing dying because she chooses to save his life over her own. If this had been any other person Levi would have been dead, but only now he noticed how nice (Y/N) actually was, always helping the brats out during training, the fighting between Horse face and titan boy, cooking the meals, bring Levi his tea without him asking, and helping him out with his paperwork. Suddenly Levi folded his hands together and did something he never thought he would ever do, he prayed, but little did he know two girls where standing in the double doors watching.

"Dear god if you're out there, please don't take (Y/N) from me, she needs to live...she shouldn't have to die because she saved my life. I know countless solders have died at my hands and I never prayed for them, but (Y/N) is different... I think I'm in love with her... I understand if you take her even if you here my calls, I'm not a good man, (Y/N) is way too good for me, I'm not worth her life. I would be lost without her, if she died because of me I'd never come out of my room ever again, please don't take her away...!"

(Y/N) stood there with tears falling from her face as Hanji held her up, she couldn't stand, two broken legs, a fractured ankle, 3 broken ribs, a broken shoulder, a broken arm, and a broken wrist.

Levi heard some movement behind him and turned around to see (Y/N) and Hanji, she was alive, he stood up and she started to speak through her tears.

"Levi, remember who you are, if you lose yourself your courage soon will follow, so be strong tonight, and remember who you are. What I did was right, your alive and that is what counts, if you died and I still could have done something to prevent it, I couldn't live with myself. I love you and I always have, if anything your too good for me, but I'm alive Levi! I wouldn't never leave you, death can't do us part." Hanji let go of (Y/N) and she slowly tried to walk out to Levi, Levi ran to her and wrapped her into his arms careful not hurt her.

"I love you to... You're a shitty little brat you know that, you scared me have to death, but still I love you even more then I hate you, (Y/N) you're a solder and most of all your mine" Levi said as a tear or two fell from his eyes, she wiped them off his cheeks then he kissed her ever so gently, after the kiss he picked her up bridle style and started walking back inside. Hanji was gone so they shared one last kiss before going back to Levi's room and office.

Expedition Report

Expedition number: XXX

Squad captain: Corporal Levi Ackerman

Injured: (F/N)(L/N)

Deaths: None, all because she Saved my Life.

(A/N) thank you all for reading my story. For this I used the song Sound The Bugle from the movie Sprit, I strongly recommend it. I will take requests so if you want let me know and yea Bye Bye <3 <3

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