Cashby Cashby

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I look in the mirror. It's still steamy in my bathroom since I just took a shower. I shake out my orange hair and examine my body. My tattoos. My pudgy belly... Ugh..

Walking away from the mirror disgusted, I realize my band and I have been off tour for almost a month. I'm so ready for Warped tour to begin already I'm tired of just sitting around. I'm getting lazier everyday that I'm not performing. I walk into my room and throw on some boxers and black skinny jeans along with a Pink Floyd shirt and some socks and head down stairs. I'm startled by a familiar voice I wasn't expecting to hear,

"Hey, Ashby.."

"Austin? What the hell man you sc- what's wrong?" I said quickly noticing the worrisome look on his face.

Austin is sitting on my couch, hair disheveled, blood shot eyes, and a sad look about him.. I sit on the table across from him and he mumbles,

"Today would have been mine and Gillele's anniversary..."


"Why did she do this to me man? I've spent so much time alone trying to figure out where I went wrong..."

"You didn't.. It is not your fault okay? I know it sucks but you just have to.. Move on." I consoled.

"What happened to you and Maddie?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I just didn't feel it anymore.. She was getting in the way of my music.."

"I see.."

"Why don't you stay here? Till warped tour.." I suggested, since he needs to be around a friend right now. Particularly me.

"You don't have a guest bedroom.."

"I have a king sized bed though.."

"Okay Ashby... Thanks.." He gives me a half smile. I hate to see him so broken...

"Go get your stuff, and I'll go get some food and we'll meet back here okay?"

He nods and gets up and rubs his hands on his thighs before walking out the door. How can he be so sad and look so good? His legs are a huge turn- dammit! These are the thoughts that drove you away from Maddie! Stop.. Stop.. He's hurt.. I told myself.

I grab my keys and head out the door to go to my favorite sushi restaurant. I then order a lot of sushi because I know between the two of us we have a humongous appetite. I also swing by the liquor store and buy a couple bottles of Jim Bean. When I return home Austin still isn't here, so I set up two places on the table for me and him. It's like a mini date...

No it's not! I tell myself again. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, so I take it out and it's Austin calling me. I answer it.

"Austin? Everything okay?"

"Ginger princess! Hey baby how are you? Listen, I need a huuuuuge favor.."

"Your drunk.." I say simply.

"They threw me out of the bar!"

"What bar?"

"Pete's man! They threw me out if Pete's!"

"I'm on the way don't move.."

I hop in my car and quickly drive to Pete's bar. I spot Austin outside talking to himself. I sigh and park the car and get out..

"Austin, come on lets go home.."

"My ginger kitten came to get me!"

"Yes, Austin.. Now it's time to go-"

He suddenly wraps his arms around me and puts all of his weight on me and mumbles

"Thanks Ashby.. I always knew I liked you.."

I open the passenger side door to my car and shove him in..
Then I get in the drivers side and start the car. I drive down the road and make way back towards my house when we stop at a stoplight and Austin puts a hand on my thigh... Teasing me...

"Do you ever get lonely, Ashby?"

He starts to move his hand up and I whisper,


The light turns green and I step on the gas and he clenches my thigh and laughs. I speed the rest of the way to my house and I get out of the car and go to open the door when Austin comes and presses his body against my back and I take in a sharp breath.. He whispers in my ear,

"Your so cute.. And irresistible.."

He purrs in my ear and I spin around and lift my face up and brush my lips against his.. He opens the door and then grabs my ass and picks me up and carries me inside. I kick the door shut and he slams me down on the couch..

He grabs my hair and kisses me hard. I respond with a moan and he says against my lips,

"You like that, kitten?"

The horrible smell of alcohol laces his breath and I say,

"Yes, but could you give me a moment?"

"Sure, princess.. I'll be waiting for you."

He winks at me and goes into my room. I take a deep breath and think, what the fuck.. What is wrong with Austin? I've been waiting for this moment for a long time and I was certain I liked Austin but he's... Drunk... Maybe if I...

I go in the kitchen and quickly start to chug the Jack Daniels in hopes to catch up with Austin's lack of sobriety. I wipe my mouth off and shake my head, then walk into my room. When I do, Austin is passed out on my bed in nothing but boxers. His hand inside of his them. I sigh and strip down to my boxers too and lay on the other side of the bed and listen to Austin's deep steady breathing.

Then I feel the hot tears stain my cheeks, because I think about how pathetically I acted tonight. It was pitiful. Everyone in the band knows I'm bisexual, and Austin knows I've always liked him as more than a friend, but I've accepted the fact that he doesn't like me back. But tonight, I believed every stupid drunken action of his and let my guard down, which was a big mistake.

Cashby CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now