Rise Again

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It's been a week. I've slept on Mariela's couch for a week and she's the sweetest girl ever. She bought me some clothes that fit me. Simple skinny jeans a few shirt and a pair of shoes. I got a job at the coffee shop down the road and I opened a totally new bank account. I'm fairly new so I basically just take orders and make simple drinks. I never bothered to get my phone back. Someone took it because it wasn't in the lost in found which didn't bother me.

I agreed to help Mariela since she's in college I'm gonna pay half the rent and buy dinner every other day. She doesn't sleep a lot. She actually wakes me up every morning at the butt crack of dawn by sitting on me. She's become my best friend. I don't drink around her, she's only 19. She thinks it's absurd what I'm doing.. I basically quit the band. I'm not planning on going back and every time she asks why I just drop the subject. I was getting ready to go to work. I got dressed in my uniform which is a brown shirt and black skinny jeans. I came into the kitchen area and kissed her cheek and said,

"I'll be back later."

She cooed and said, "okay Alan. Have fun!"

I walked out of the door and wondered why she was awake at 6a.m when she doesn't have to be at school until 8.. I wandered into the shop and greeted my co-worker Hayley. She smiled brightly at me. I loved working with the brunette with far too many freckles. I loved the ladies I had in my life they made me smile and laugh and I was content. I had two new best friends and nothing else mattered..

I was wiping counters just passing time when Hayley asked me,

"So, do you think he's looking for you yet?"

I sighed and said,

"Probably not. I'm not even that far from home. I'm only about an hour an a half away from where I used to live. I'm surprised a customer hasn't told him where I am... Or maybe he doesn't care..."

"None sense of course he cares! He has to.. You were perfect for each other."

"Yeah... Were.."

I heard the bell ding as a customer walked in. I looked up and saw the familiar blonde haired figure walk straight up to me.. I froze..

"I'll have a small coffee, black, two sugars."

I rang it up and she handed me a five dollar bill and as Hayley handed her the coffee she smirked and said,

"Keep the change."

She walked out without another word and I felt like I was going to be sick.. No I was defiantly going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet and Hayley followed me holding the hair from my face.. She just rubbed my back and said,

"It's gonna be okay... It has to.."

After I was done she sent me home. When I walked into the building Mariela was about to walk out when she said,

"What are you doing here?"

"Gillele came into the coffee shop..."

Her face shattered and I just looked down at the ground. She grabbed my arm and lead me upstairs and into the apartment. We sat down on the couch and I covered my face with my hands..

"It's been a week.. And she's still wearing the ring."

I looked at my friend and she looked back at me with sympathy.. She hugged me and I sighed. What am I supposed to think? He hasn't come looking for me... What if he chose her?

Austin's POV

It's been a fucking week... I'm sitting here on the edge of my bed with my face in my hands.. My unshaven face... It's only been a week and this girl is fucking killing me. The only way she will divorce me is if I agreed to live with her for a month.. She thinks she can remind me of the love we used to have... But all I have is resentment towards her.. She stepped in front of me and said,

"You know, I like the facial hair, it's sexy.."

She leant down and tried to move my hands but I moved them away from my face.

"You know, Austin... I'm not the bad guy here.. I just wanted another chance with you."

"You broke my heart.. You broke my fucking heart when you cheated on me, and now you've broken Alan's heart. He's run away! I don't know where he is! I just want him but I don't know what to fucking do anymore!"

"Austin, he left you. It's not my fault he-"


I was standing less than an inch away from her now and she looked scared... I backed away and then punched the wall beside me..

"I'm going out for coffee... I'll come back when you calmed down.."

She walked out and I heard the door close as she left the house... I paced around the room. I've called him a hundred times but he never answers it's like he's turned his phone off.. Why does she have to do this to me? I don't.. I don't want her anymore.. I don't want her here..

I can't take it anymore. I grabbed her clothes from my closet, marched to my front door, opened it and threw them out on the lawn. I did the same with all her fucking shoes too, and then I closed the door and locked it. After that I marched over to the fridge and pulled out a six-pack and took it to my room.

Alan's POV

Mariela and I were sitting on the couch in silence when I heard a tap on the door. I jumped up to answer it.. There was a little hope in the back if my mind that it would be Austin... But it was Gillele...

"Hey" I said feebly..

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