The Hospital

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I got him to the hospital just in time. If I would have not done my best he would have died. He was taken to the Er to get help. I sat there for what seemed like hours and hours. He was finally in the recovery room after 5 hours. He looked so uncomfortable so I tried to help him feel more comfort. I turned around and turned back around and put my hand on him. He woke up a little bit and tried to tell me something. He said "Thank you for saving me" and he held my hand. I asked him what his name was and he said "Mon-el and yours?" I replied "Supergirl". His face lightens up with a big smile. He explained that he was from Daxam and I did not know if I wanted to trust him. He said he has powers and does not know how to control them. I told him I could help him learn how to use them and I just set aside the fact of what planet he came from. I just stood there holding his hand but I had to go save other people. He told me "Thank you for helping me, but how could you when our planets were at war?" I replied "You seem like a nice alien not a bad one". I walked out of the room and waved bye to him and he waved back.

Supergirl X Mon-el Ship Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum