The training begins

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I got approved by my sister to help Mon-el. I was so excited to help him! He got out of the hospital a few days latter and was feeling up to the training. First I asked him what kind of ways he could help people not hurt them. He replied "Giving it all I've got, um... Saving everyone, and defeating the villains of earth." I said that was right. He asked me "Are we going to get to me learning how to use my powers soon or no?" I said In a little bit... I asked him a few more questions to make sure he was good and not evil. He answered all of the question In a "I'm a superhero not villain" way. It was time to teach him how to use his powers. At first he could not control it but after a bit of time he did it! He and I were so excited we high fived me but right after that he gave me the biggest hug so what did I do?... I hugged him back.

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