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  • Dedicated to The Hookers

Thomas: FRIENDSHIP! It's like a new car... If you crash it, that sucks! FRIENDSHIP! It's like a cat... If it poops on your carpet, you have to clean it up!

Me: What....


 Paradoxical Powow:

Ek: Claire

Me: I'm having such a good time. I'm having a ball, Erica.

EK:Have your balls, then. Dyioghoih ghfg haoigh DID I ACTUALLY JUST I'll show myself out.

Me: God dammit Erica

EK: Heh...

Me: What the hell is wrong with you


"I’m going inside to check something. Are you going in or staying here?"

"Right here."

"Right here? OK I’ll leave the car running for you."

*leaves car and walks a few feet before turning around and opening the door again.*

"Never mind that I need the keys to open the door so I guess I won’t leave the car running."


And now, a new segment I'd like to call, "Ekkie on Drugs.' Side note, she isn't actually on drugs. Or alcohol. Or anything like that. The following is the side product of multiple hours of constant solitaire and Muse.

You see, the problem with the "lucid dreaming" thing isn't the actual thing, it's that fact that I thought I was lying there for an hour and then I check my watch and it's been TWO MINUTES.

And I was all gonna stay up til midnight watching The Dead Files and my mom's all noooooooooo it rots your brain and I'm all my brain is nicely pickled yo.

And they be like, woooooo I'm a medium. And I be like, wooooo I'm an XXL.

Then alllll da nachos lived happilee eva afta.

You know what, we going to have to stay puft. REIGN SUPREMEEEEE.

Imagine Morgan Freemen singing the alphabet song.

He was like: you on drugs? I was like: does it look like I am? He was like: dya even want me to answer that?

So I called him a petunia.

I want to rip off Queen's music just so I can be called Queengate.

Death is repetitive. It needs to get a life.

Platique melts so get outta light chu fool.

I think solitaire is out to get me.

Sometimes I think I'm a hooker. *Side note on this one, she has family whose last name is hooker.*

Ya know normal people are doing something Friday-nightie and I'm just like, MUSE AND SOLITAIRE.

K I'm tired so I can't take any responsibility for what I say.

Honey am I drunk?

-$1725 beby Vegassssssssssssss

But Cobb it's the kick

I am a supermassive black fish snappitysnapsnap!

That awkward moment when your boyfriend quotes Snow White at you. *Side note on this one too, she doesn't have a boyfriend. That's right, all you single guys can get with THIS.*

This is your brain on drugs.

I don't even know what time it is.

It's all so deeeeeeeeeeeeep.

If you stay very still you can hear the Jedi.

Too early for thissss.

Is this real life or is this just the third reich?

Watch me burnnnnnnn....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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