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Sorry guys....
But I did update Vengeance for those who do read that story

   "Got dammit Annabelle get the damn dog. "
"Why won't you kill me,  I swear you have a problem. Why can't you do it James?"
    "Get the fuck in the carriage so I can go the fuck home, or do you want to go outside for a month."

I hushed and got in the carriage with Sparky sitting next to me, in James seat. As he walked to the door, he looked at Sparky and sat on the other side, knocking on the door indicating it's time to go. I turned to the side and started to talk to Sparky. 'I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you all those months but I'm happy I left that pantry door cracked.' He wagged his tail and laid his head on my lap. I started to rub his head, 'After Im finished with my task then I can bathe you and feed you. Is that fine boy. ' He nudged my hand and licked it.
    "Why are you talking to a dog like he can hear you?"
"He can hear he just can't respond verbally but he can physically. I had him trained for emergencies like this anyways that's why I bought a huge supply of food and water just for him."
    "Yeah whatever."
When he finished that statement, we were pulling up to the house. "Clean up, fix dinner then wash that dog because I have some new to tell you."
Before I was about to get out he turned around, "Also, never leave this house at night time without me on your side. " I nodded my head "I said do you got it?"
   "Yes master McCarthy. Come on sparky."

"Hey master you had got some packages earlier before y'all came back, something for the lady I believe. "
   I looked down from the slave and waited until James moved. "Okay I could have seen that when I had got on the porch right Louis."
"Oh yes master."
  We started to walk towards the house and I picked up the packages as I looked at Master McCarthy's hand motion. I never went shopping for any clothes recently and I tried to do everything so I wouldn't go outside. That failed once but I didn't get the same treatment as before.

   I threw the boxes in my room before I went to clean up. I was so happy I had Sparky , but he was in the kitchen laying on the newspaper bed I made him. Tonight I felt like doing something nice so I cooked two steaks, mashed potatoes, cornbread and a tossed salad. I put everything on warm before I went to tell James I was going outside. He came and sat on the porch watching me clean Sparky. I took a quick glance at him and he was smiling. I took Sparky out and dried him off and cleaned the bucket. "Are you ready for dinner sir?"
"Yes and you can sit next to me as I said I have some news."
     Sparky sat in the dining room next to my chair, being very over protective. I fixed our plates and sat down. I passed the steak sauce and started to eat carefully because my throat still haven't healed all the way yet. "So the doctor told me you are pregnant.. Two months pregnant. Annabelle how could you do this to me?"
  "I haven't did anything sir. I've been in here for the last two months and I've had my monthly for the months you had put me out there. I swear I'm not lying. That's probably why Sparky growled at you earlier."
    "Don't fucking lie to me, you were with Jason?"
"I mean he forced himself on me those nights I was out there, I couldn't do anything about your drunk men. That's why I wanted him to hang me but no you wanted to bring me in here. I've asked you to kill me how many times and you haven't done it not nan time. "
   "Who do you think you're talking to? I can kill you and this filthy dog both of you are just some users."
"Well do it then, after all you care for me one minute and not the other. You let all of your men rape for every night for two weeks and you're wonder why I wanted to die. I've got whips all over my body, why would you want to keep me around anyways. Look at me as you said I'm worthless now, I shouldn't have been bought, stole or sold that day because you know why."
  "Why? "
"Because I was already free."

  I stood up and threw the papers towards him. "I went through all of this shit from your mother to you and your feelings to your men and I'm tired of it. If I'm not able to move back to the north then I don't want to be in this house anymore. "
   "Listen here, I spent 10 million dollars on you. I'll be damned if I lose you."
He was now in my face,"What did you see that these others can't see.  Clearly I'm disgusting to everyone, your mother doesn't like me, my parents don't even know what's going on and 10 million just for a house slave."
  "I had competition so what's better than to spend the money I don't need, you're a diamond in the rough Anabelle."
"Yes I look a mess, just look at my body, what man wants someone like this. Nobo-"
   "I do. "

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