Chapter 3: Fucking. Worst. Time. Ever.

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I interpreted this song in a totally different way and just thought it fit near the end of the chapter.

Song: I found

Artist(s): Amber Run 

Image: Adara Phillips

Warning: This chapter contains sexual content.

Double Warning: I will not always be putting up warnings; I have mentioned what's included in this book in the description. Read at thine own risk, soldiers.

"Girl, he did what?" she asks me full of disgust and surprise, although I'm certain she always sees it coming.

"Yeah! I was freaking out. I just wanted to get out of there. The teachers have told him to stay away from me, but he's so damn persistent. I hate that eerie vibe he gives me."

"Mhm, I know what you mean. That boy is weird and trouble," she pronounces, "and he really needs to know when to let go." She rummages in her bag.

Lately, I sometimes feel like he'll move on, but other times I believe that he won't. Maybe with some more time, he will. Healing is different for everyone.

"Come on, Lauren. I'll take you home," she says, lifting her key chain from her bag.


We walk out the entrance and all the way down the parking lot to her 'babygi—'

"Babygirl!" Adara exclaims, joyfully. "Oh, she's ready to take us." She rushes over to her car and glides her hand across the red car. I jokingly roll my eyes and follow after her.

As we pull up to the driveway, I notice that both of my parent's cars are not home, and as does Adara.

She looks questioningly at me. "Did your mom start going to work at this time?" I shake my head.

"Nope. If I remember correctly, last week she told me she would be going out with some friends to get their nails done at the SuperMall," I explain, half-unsure.

"Ah, I love how your mom can still find time to hang out with friends." After seeming lost in thought for a few seconds, she nudges me. "Girl, if we don't do that when we're her age—"

My mind is still lingering around my last encounter with Bret, but I force a laugh anyway. "Don't worry, we will!" I assure her. "Well, I'm going to go inside now and finish up some work before Nevin comes over."

"Oh, yes. Do give me the details later."

"Of course."

I step out of the car and walk up my driveway.

"Thanks, Adara!" I wave. "Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow."

She leans over and looks out the window, simpering. "Oh, yup. You have a good night too, girl," she sings and then drives away.

I enter my house, go up the stairs, and throw my stuff on one of the dining room chairs. I sit down and get straight into completing some work from my classes, besides English, of course. Despite a few procrastination breaks by spending time on Netflix, I still manage to finish my assignments, except for the long set of questions in math. Math wasn't too hard, but it sure was tedious.

I check the time on my phone: 5:54. He'll be here in six minutes; I should at least get some small food to snack on while we study. I get up, shuffle to the kitchen, and put two slices of bread in the toaster.

I go to sit back down on the dining room table and as I'm about to take a seat the ringing of our doorbell echoes through the house.

It's him! I mentally scream as I approach the door. Having Nevin over is beginning to really relieve my stress from earlier. Calming myself down, I glance through the peephole and, seeing Nevin, I open the door.

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