Chapter 21: Hashtag, Priorities.

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Because I have yet to watch Logan.

Song: Way Down We Go (LIVE in a volcano)

Artist(s): Kaleo

On the way out of Chemistry, I get a fist bump from some guy and a few remarks— not all good, not all bad— from other classmates. As I'm about to exit through the doorway, I become forcefully acquainted with the corner of the wall. I look to the purple fabric and follow it up to the snarky expression.

"Oops, sorry," she says, disgustingly wiping her shoulder from any 'bacteria' I might have left on her. "I can't see phantoms."

I take new refuge in the support of the wall and tilt my head, confused. "Then, how do you get ready in the morning?"

She frowns, clearly off her game today. Was my bitch game too strong? I guess it will make up for my future lameness. Today, Jessica lent me her comeback wit.

She scoffs. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know."

I shake my head as she walks out. In the corner of my eye, I notice that the black blob hadn't moved an inch yet.

"Is everything alright, Lauren?" Ms. Chatwin asks.

I whip my head and nod. "Yeah, just thinking."

"Alright," she responds, although I sense she's not completely convinced. "Was the lesson pretty straight-forward today? I tried not to break things down too much," she chuckles.

"Yeah, it was simple to understand."

"Ah, I'm relieved to hear that. If you don't get something, don't be afraid to take my mic away."

I raise my eyebrows. "Remember, you proposed it."

She picks up the books while standing, resting them on her arm. "I'm a Chemistry teacher; I don't forget anything," she smiles, before striding on over to Jasper.

All the formulas in my head practically snicker. Yeah, I trust her there.

"Heya, Jasper, I can't be here too long. I've got a meeting in ten minutes, but I'll try my best to explain what I can in this time."

His head bobs and Ms. Chatwin opens the Chemistry book, flipping to the section we went over in class today.

Oh, so he has Ms. Chatwin tutor him after class ends. That explains why he always stays back.

Without even realizing what's going on, I find myself speaking up. "I can help with going over the material once you take off, and if Jasper still needs help."

Ms. Chatwin looks a bit hesitant when casting a questionable look over to him. Seconds of silence slog past us until I hear the faintest whisper. "Okay."

I sit down at my usual desk and take out some things to work on for the time being. However, I notice that during this time, Ms. Chatwin isn't going over the entire lesson with him. Instead, Jasper is asking seemingly prepared questions, and they go over the answers to those. So I'm guessing that he's already memorized or written down these questions beforehand to ask her after class. That would make sense, as he's a very shy person who probably does not like talking aloud in front of everyone.

Ten minutes pass and Ms. Chatwin stands up— I with her— and smiles. "I'm going to head out now." She turns to me. "I'll be leaving these books here," she lightly taps the Chemistry books, "so you can just leave them on my desk when finished."

Wait a second. Does that mean she's totally okay with leaving students in the classroom when she's gone?

She senses my mild curiosity and flicks the air with her hand, sliding her coat on. "I trust you two will act responsibly, and lock the doors on your way out." She points to the keys sitting on the filing cabinet.

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