Chapter 2

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Laura’s POV

I was at home and I had just woke up from a 2 hour nap which was origionally supposed to be a 20min nap. Oops? I sat up in my bed and had a look at my phone, the light was flashing green signalling that I had a message.

*3 new messages*


*KIK: 2 unread messages*

Seriously? I ignore my phone for 2 hours and I get messages, sit with my phone and I get none… I read the BBM message first. It was from Alex.

Alex: Hey ginge, remind me NEVER to take Dougie to the library again! He never shuts up and Tom obsesses over the books but its funny so yeah, you should be here, need a girl with me to save me from the McFly craziness hahaaha xx

I replied to her and read my KIK messages, they were from two of my friends at uni just asking about the boys and I ignored them, could not be bother with the fuss, rather they just know the basics that I have to spend time with them at uni considering my friends all know about my obsession with them. The 3 messages were all from Danny.

Laura… you should be here because there’s FREE computers!!!xxx

Laura… are you awake? Xxx

Wakey wakey princess xxx

 I laughed at the messages and replied to him to tell him that I was awake again and that I was sorry I had to go straight home. We ended up talking for hours, it was the same with Alex, we could talk all day at Uni and then text all night and we would still have tonnes to talk to each other about. That was the beauty of our friendship. I went to get my tea and after that I went up to the farm to see to my horse, I saw that Alex was there. She was bringing Jovi in from the field. I wasn’t riding tonight and neither was she. I climbed out of my car and spoke to her for a few mins before getting Olly in from the field. He was easy to get because he was at the gate waiting for me to come get him in. I brought him inside and sorted out everything that I had to do whilst talking to Alex about the assignment we had due. She was just finished with hers and I had about 200 more words to write so it wasn’t too bad.

Alex left the farm as I was changing my lil man’s water. My mum had also just finished seeing to her horse and came to talk to me. I told her about my day and the annoying people who we got the horse off, the guys who Wyatt has to stay with. She told me that they were rude to her too when she was getting the horse. I shut the door to the stable and got back into my mums car to drive back home so I could have a shower and finish this essay. It was about the history of Rock music. I had spent much of my time in the library researching the subject. I also had to make many trips to starbucks.

My essay only took half an hour to finish and when it was done I went to watch TV. I looked for my favourite music channel and put it on, Danny was on the telly singing his cover of ‘Mr Writer’ and spookily my phone rang and it was Danny. I picked up my phone and accepted the call. When I put the phone to my ear he shouted down the phone.

“Little ginger sea monster SLASH walrus”

I laughed at this assuming that Alex had told him the story.

“Yo whip-ma-wop-ma-gate boy” I replied referring to a photo of him I’d seen lying on whip-ma-wop-ma-gate.

“I was just wondering if you would maybe like to go out before the lecture tomorrow, nothing fancy just starbucks but y’know just us, Just as friends if that’s what you but maybe er-“ he babbled as I cut him off telling him that I would like to go, he told me that he would drive me through and that Alex could have a lie in.

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