Chapter 5

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Laura's POV

I woke up early the next morning and got dressed straight away. My mum was already up and dressed so as soon as I was ready I went straight downstairs to put my boots on and climbed into the car with my mum. We drove to see our horses. I did all my jobs, went for a long ride and then I let him back out in the field to see his friends. I was there all day before I went back home to have a shower and get changed ready to go to the cinema with 'the crew'.  I wore my jeans that I had just bought and I was ready ton go. It was 5:15 and Danny had just arrived to pick me up, In the car was Danny, Dougie and Alex. Gi, Izzy, Carrie, Tom and Harry were all going in another car. I walked out of the door and got into the car, I sat in the back with Alex and we made our way to the restaurant. It only took us about 20mins so it wasn't too bad.

"Dougie why aren't you coming to the lecture tomorrow?" I asked to make conversation. Danny was driving so Dougie could turn around to face me when he replied.

"They're just really boring, not what I thought they'd be like at all! And I'm not getting anything out of it so I don't see why I cant just miss some" He explained. I just nodded my head. Danny started the next conversation, we never seemed to be quiet. When we arrived we got out of the car and me and Alex said hello to everyone then went inside. We sat down and waited for our food. I was sat sipping my J2O when Danny dropped his egg on himself.

"Aw no! I've just dropped egg on my jeans! Of all the vegetables!" That was it for me, I spat my juice out across the table and started laughing uncontrollably. My face went bright red and I could hardly breath. Tom was exactly the same as me, next to him Harry was crying with laughter and I looked around the table and everyone else was laughing the same except for Danny and Dougie who both looked disgusted, I noticed just then that they were both wearing my J2O, I'd spat it all over them.  That just made me laugh even more I honestly thought I was going to die. Alex was doing the exact same.

"Laura! You are disgusting! Thinking of looking for a new girlfriend after this!" Danny joked. I pretended to sulk and turned my face away from him to 'ignore' him. I was looking towards Alex and Dougie and I heard him talk to her. Everyone did.

"I really do actually love you" Dougie said smiling "Like genuinely" He laughed.

"I love you too, I told you" Alex laughed replying. Our food came and we sat and ate it, we left at 5 to 7 to get to into the cinema room on time. Some people recognised the others so they took photos and signed things for them so we were delayed getting into our screen room but it was only by 10mins and the adverts were still on. We had eaten just before so we didn't get any food but we did get some drinks. We took up half of the row. The film was amazing however by the time it was done I was really tired. Danny took me straight home first. He stopped the car and got out with me and walked me to the door. When we reached the door he hugged me and then kissed me and just as I was about to head back inside he leaned down so that he could whisper to me.

"I love you Laura since like an hour after I met you, sounds stupid like on a film or in a book but its true!" He whispered and kissed me again, this time it was interrupted by Alex and Dougie, They were in Danny's car and had rolled the windows down and were shouting out the window to us.

"No PDA guys!" Alex shouted to us

"Yeah Alex shouldn't see that she's only 21!" Dougie shouted "Just a little baba!" Alex just gave him a long glare.

"Bye Sweetie" he said and walked back to his car. I laughed before going inside and Danny got back in the car. They drove away as I walked up the stairs to go to my room to put my jammies on. I stayed awake a little longer to watch 'friends' I was laughing far too much for my own good today. I went to bed at half 11 so it would be easy to wake up for 9 the next day.

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