Duty calls

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While sharing a delicious homemade meal on the roof of Akademi High, Riku and his girlfriend Kokona hold hands and watch the cherry blossoms fall, wondering about the future laid ahead of them.

"Isn't this nice, darling?" Riku asks his girlfriend. "Don't you wish you and I could stay like this forever?"

Kokona smiles at this thought. "Forever's a really long time Riku... but I think I can hold out that long for you-" But as soon as Kokona looks up again, her boyfriend disappears. "Riku? Riku, where did you go?"

Her phone lights up, and a clear message from Riku takes up her screen. Sorry love, but responsibilities urge me to discontinue our affair.
Confused and angry, Kokona leaves several angry messages to her loving boyfriend, who is unbeknownst to her grinding up the body of a dead girl next to a somewhat pleased Yandere-chan.

"I feel a tad bit bad. Do you think she'll be angry for long?" he asks as he waits for the grinder to finish.

Yandere-chan shakes her head. That's not important right now...

Yan-chan's assistant (A Yandere Simulator Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now