The Incomplete Story

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I took a train to Chennai for my friend's marriage despite my laborious routine. Usually, I prefer window seats to aisles. It's because of the hope that the gushing winds kiss away my pain; memories along with them. Even now, I reserved a window seat.

The train took a start. The pleasant scenery and the slacky breezes pinched off my melancholies. As the train picked pace, the sedate winds are converted to gushing winds. Contrarily, at this time, instead of carrying away my memories, they brought them back, the same memories I left to them long back. Perhaps, they want to tell me back my incomplete story, the story of Varun.


"Varun, the loner" was my title in my early tens. Yeah, they were right. I was all alone, no friends, not even many acquaintances. "Why don't people like me and why don't I have friends?" was my ever-pondered question back then. It seemed that all the gloominess in the world creeped onto my face. One day....

"I am Riya and you?" she asked, tucking her dancing loose hair behind the earlocks. I am Varun, said I , walking away. She catched my pace asked "Why do you always seem dull, Varun? You don't talk to anyone. Why?"

I have no friends, Riya and I don't think people like me.

"Love yourself, Varun. When you don't love yourself, how can you expect the world to like you? By the way, can I apply to the post of your friend?" she asked smiling. A gentle smile rested on my face. That was a smile which bloomed on my face after years.

Of course Riya, thank you very much.

"Bye, Varun. It's time for my music classes. C ya".

Giving a firm shakehand, she left. That one shakehand gave me hope that her support can end my never-ending sorrows. Moreover, I got the answer to my ever-pondered question. Love yourself.

Finally, I got a friend. There were celebrations inside. Since then, we became good friends, sharing our joys and sorrows. I started to love myself and I made many friends. Those who ridiculed me before started to behave nicely to me. The world seemed colorful everywhere, beautiful in its every inch. We used to share everything from hilarious jokes to senseless talks.

Years passed by. Our friendship became more deeper. Luckily, I was placed in the same institute as hers. Riya used to live nearby my house. We used to help each other assignments and lessons (I was a "normal" at studies). Though I had many friends, she was my most special friend and it was the same for her.

I know that I love her a lot but I never expressed it for the fear of losing her friendship. I couldn't even bear the thought. Years passed like minutes and finally we completed our graduation. At last, inhaling courage, I decided to express my love to her. I proposed her on our graduation day.

She was unsure how to react. She didn't accept. She tried to convince me that we are good friends and she don't have any feelings on me. I felt broken, inside out. I acted like I was convinced, suppressing my stream of emotions.

From then, things were never like before. A bit of distance grew between us. One day, she joined a job in Delhi. Tears spoke between us during her send off. Unwillingly, we stepped away; to the paths He destined us.

She never spoke to me from then and even I. I waited for her call but she never did. And my attempts of contacting her were unfruitful. Later, I understood that she did that for me, my own sake. She sensed my emotions (After all, she is my best friend. So, acting didn't work out) and to stop me from raising blind hopes for her, she did it. It costed her too much of pain but she had to do it for me.


My fingers rolled on the invitation card which I received yesterday. A golden colored, marvelously designed card it is, which gives a sense of awe to anyone, not to me. It's the marriage of Riya!!


To my very special friend,

It's been years since we met. I know that you are angry on me but I had to do it. Waiting to meet you.

Yours loving friend



The gushing winds stopped. It's time for the tears to gush!!!

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