Attraction: Cosmetics

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There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. -Helena Rubenstein, Cosmetics Pioneer, (1870-1965)

Even when I know it isn't true, some little part of me always clings to the hope that everything would be different if I just had a new color of lipstick. -Cathy Guisewite, Present Day Cartoonist; Cathy

Your lover must not find the dressing table covered with lotions. Art conceals its art. -Ovid(43BC-17AD) Poet   

A girl whose cheeks are covered with paint has an advantage with me over one whose ain't. -Ogden Nash (1902-1971) Poet, Writer

One sprinkles the most sugar where the tart is burnt. -Dutch Proverb

Women have two weapons--cosmetics and tears. -Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821) Emperor of France

She that paints her Face, thinks of her Tail. -Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) Scientist, Statesman

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