Attraction: Changing Appearance

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The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through.  -Fran Lebowitz (1950 - ) Writer, Humorist 

Steve Martin: Sandy, your breasts feel weird.
Sarah Jessica Parker: Oh, that's because they're real. -L.A. Story (1991) written by Steve Martin 

I'm the female equivalent of a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill.  Half of what you see is a pretty good reproduction, and the rest is a fraud. -Cher (1946- ) Actress, Singer, Director

Can you imagine anybody wanting to look this way for real? -Dolly Parton(1946- ) Singer, Songwriter, Actress

When I go to the beauty parlor, I always use the emergency entrance.  Sometimes I just go for an estimate. -Phyllis Diller (1917- ) Comedian, Actress,

Author I'm probably the only model in New York who hasn't had breast implants. -Kim Alexis (1960- ) Actress, Model

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