Chapter 5

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Gregor grunted. Devius's back was not the most comfortable landing platform. 

"You didn't lose your riding skills with time, did you?" Hazard asked.

Gregor shook his head to catch his bearings. "I don't know. I haven't ridden a bat in four years, but it might be like riding a bike--you can get rusty, but you don't really ever lose the ability."

Hazard looked at him, puzzled. "Bike?"

Gregor mentally kicked himself. "It's a form of transportation, that's all."

"I see," Hazard said. "Hold on tight--Devius is a powerful bat," he warned. 

"If he's anything like his father, it's exp--" Gregor bit his tongue as Devius flapped his powerful wings, shooting upwards. It seemed Gregor had underestimated his bat's kin.

Gregor watched in awe as he watched the bat begin to soar. "Oh, how I missed this," he thought. 

Gregor watched as the old farmhouse got smaller and smaller below him as Devius flew, until he could no longer see the place he could never quite call home. 

"Give me more than the basics. What else is going on? Why do they want my blood?" Gregor asked. He rubbed his arms. The outside night air was cold. He'd wished he'd had the wisdom to bring something to keep him warm, as he realized he was still in his basketball shorts. At least he'd put on a shirt. 

"We really don't know much more than what I told you," Hazard said. "Ivor has collected a band of Halflanders and those whom we banished; we never dreamed they would join forces, led alone prosper as they have. They've themselves weapons and armor of metal, and either someone needs to get fired, or they've found a place to make decent farmlands. Somewhere we haven't discovered," he finished. 

Gregor stroked Devius's fur idly. "Somewhere in the uncharted lands?" 

Hazard nodded. "Most likely." 

"How are they assaulting Regalia?" Gregor pictured a bunch of grimy men trying to chip away at the magnificent walls with a spoon like he'd seen in a prison escape movie.


Gregor raised an eyebrow.

"They're catapulting large stones over the walls and they're causing immense damage--more than we can repair. But every time we send out soldiers and their mounts, they return the favor. Their soldiers are more than a match for our infantry. We're holding on by a spinner's thread," he said. 

Gregor watched Hazard's flying skills as he processed everything the boy said. "Lighten up on your legs," Gregor commented. "Devius is stronger, larger, and steadier than Thalia. You don't need to hold onto him as tightly. He'll support you." 

Hazard blinked, then made the adjustments as Gregor mentioned. 

"I still miss her sometimes," the boy said softly. "I guess old habits die hard." 

"Ahh, that's much more comfortable," Devius purred a moment later. He stretched his wings wider and his beats became more stable and flowing. "You needn't worry, Halflander. I will not let you fall."  

Gregor shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Hazard, do you mind if I lead him for a time? You've been traveling. Sleep." He omitted the fact that he wished to have some time to himself to process everything. The Halflander boy nodded, sliding back. Gregor slid forward. "You can use my pack as a pillow, if you like," he offered. 

Hazard shook his head. "No, I have my own supplies I like to use." He removed a large pack from Devius's neck and lay his head on it. Gregor soon heard Hazard's breathing turn to the steady pattern of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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